Stories in 6 Words

Write a story in six words–the ultimate way to put your brain to the test! I got this idea after browsing around the web one mindless evening. It’s like @VeryShortStory on Twitter, only shorter! However, the idea of writing a tiny splash of fiction is much older than the Internet. Earnest Hemingway won a bet over it. You can read the Wikipedia article if you’re curious.

I took some pictures and used them as prompts. I’m no Hemingway, but I had fun!

“One to beam-” cried the redshirt.
 Took a selfie…lost my phone.
 Too stubborn for change, late notice.
Last seen at the lunch counter.
Wanted: a fitting meme and catnip!
Take a shot at your own!
 [ Your six word story is waiting. ]