Tag: writing

Metropolis: Ignition

I started writing something new, and I decided to share the first draft, chapter by chapter with everyone. I mean, it will force me to stay on top of things; plus, I can open the comments up to readers who enjoy spotting typos and grammatical errors (I’m thinking of doing something special to reward people for that–a prize tier list for how many errors you spot! Let me know if this sounds like something you’d like to participate in).

Metropolis is set on a distant, dying world (of the same name) ruled by an authoritarian government. Annalise Drake assumes life is good, for she knows nothing else…

Excerpt from Alice and a New Decade

With a new decade upon us in just a few days, I am going to throw myself in the the cliche tradition of coming up with New Year resolutions. Worry not, dear friends, these aren’t your run of the mill, generic, go to the gym every single day and stop going after a week or start eating stuff I hate to go on a diet and fail because gross who wants to eat crap they don’t like?

I want to start writing again.

That’s it. That’s my resolution.

I haven’t written much at all since 2018 and it’s high time I got back  into it. I’ve got a novel planned and outlined that hasn’t been finished since…you guessed it, 2018!

Here is the first chapter, and let me raise a glass to everyone; may the 20s be roaring.


I’ve been racking my brain for interesting topics to ramble about for the past few weeks. When you open a blank document and stare at it for the millionth time in a row, it’s time scour the Internet for ideas.

I found a bunch of prompts here: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/

I did what any sensible person would do to pick a prompt. I closed my eyes, scrolled up and down, moved my mouse all over the screen, and clicked a random spot.


After I opened my eyes and saw this prompt, I sat in my chair and stared into space. Do I have something that I carry around with me all the time? Do I have a good luck charm?

Back in the early 2000s (in my AF days), my mother sent me a beautiful necklace with a thoughtful letter attached. I wore it whenever I traveled or was deployed. It gave me a sense of peace. My rational side knew it was just a pretty necklace, but it made me feel safe for some unknown, unexplainable reason. Perhaps it was the intent behind the gift.

That was a long time ago. 2019 me doesn’t wear the same necklace every day, and I don’t carry anything special in my pocket—but worry not, friends, for the necklace is tucked away in a little keepsake box. 😉 I will never part with it.

 So I got to thinking. Is there something that I *do* carry with me at all times?


Does it have magic powers?

Not in the modern sense, but it is a powerful object. It contains the world at my fingertips, and I do not leave the house without it.

What is it?
 Though, I’m sure you have guessed by now, for you probably carry one too. 

My cellphone.

I can look up anything at a moment’s notice. When I’m away from home, I can communicate with my husband. I can order anything in the world. I can buy a plane, train, or bus ticket and go anywhere I’d like with just a few swipes of my thumb. It can direct me to the nearest coffee shop in the city, and it can hold a treasure trove of my drafts and scribbles.

It may not bring good luck in the supernatural sense of the word, but I sure as hell will have a bad time without it.

Kindness Matters

In this era of lightning fast doom and gloom news and social media tirades, the beautiful side of humanity is often drowned out and shoved to the back. We forget to pause and remember the little things, the tiny gestures that restore our faith in humanity. 

Kindness matters.

If I ever ran for president, this would be my platform.

“Teacher, I have the wrong coins.” 

Let’s rewind this a bit…okay, a lot. Let’s go all the way back to grade school. I was 5 or 6 years old, and my family was extremely poor. I remember the powdered milk that came in boxes and getting hand-me-downs from some of the other children in Sunday school. We even qualified for discounted school lunches at 40 cents.

Young me knew what three coins I had to bring: a big one, a small one, and a tiny one (a quarter, nickel, and dime). One morning, I only had the tiny and small one. I put them in my pocket and worried all morning about not having the big one. The teacher had us line up for lunch, after which, she’d lead us out of the classroom and into the cafeteria.

My nerves nagged at my senses, and I thought for sure the lunch lady was going to send me right to detention without lunch for not having the big coin. I panicked and shuffled my feet to the end of the line. The teacher noticed that I looked upset and asked what was wrong.

“Teacher, I have the wrong coins!” I wailed. I produced the dime and nickel, showing them to her in my tiny, trembling palm. “I need a big one and I don’t have a big one!”

“It’s okay,” she said in a soft voice. She started digging in her large purse. “Here you go,” she smiled, placing a quarter into my hand. Relief washed over me as I stared at the three coins.

This is one of those memories that has always stayed with me. That teacher made sure that I would not go hungry that day, and I’ll never forget that moment of kindness when she placed the quarter into my open palm. They wouldn’t have given me detention for something like that, but when you’re a little kid at school, EvErYtHiNg is scary enough for detention! 

It’s gestures like this that should be spread all over social media. It’s moments like this that restore my faith in humanity.

Do you have a memory that you’ll forever hold onto because someone was kind to you?

Be kind out there,

Snow Day: 5 Things I Did Last Wednesday

Wednesday brought an unexpected snow day in my neck of the woods, so here are five things I did with the sudden surprise of free time!

1. I worked on Sisters

I finished rewriting the ending—this alternate universe story now has an alternate ending!

I’m still looking for a Beta Reader if anyone’s interested! Look at the goodies that are in store for you in this post: Call for Beta Readers

2.  I took in the waistline of a skirt I ordered online

Heaven forbid women’s’ sizing be consistent even within the same brand! The skirt is beautiful, and I’ll still buy from them, but I’m just a little disappointed that the comfort I had in buying the same size all the time is gone.

What is women’s’ sizing? We just don’t know.

3. I kept checking Twitter in hopes that there was a little announcement from the official HighCastleTV account regarding Season 3…

Hey, I had to include this because it’s true! I kept checking!

4. I started a painting

The mood fit, and I had nothing else to do, so I worked on a snow scene as it fell from the sky and blanketed the yard. It’s not finished yet. Who knows, there is a strong possibility of another snow day on Monday 😉

5. I caught up on Social Media: browsing, liking, following, commenting, and messages. 

A snow day was the perfect time to do some catch up!

What did you do on your last unexpected day off?