Tag: review

Burgers and Breweries

When your day-to-day muse refuses to cooperate, but you desperately want to share your Friday’s adventure, write a poem. I stared long and hard at the exhausted pile of “I-can’t-think” drivel on my word document before I gave up and started playing around. It’s a good thing I never grew up, for here is Burgers and Breweries:

‘Twas a grand olde Friday, brewing with adventure.
A hearty steed with a coat of red
Brought us to the coveted Terrapin Hall.
Bracelets of blue were bestowed upon us
To give us entry and to reveal
The flavor of the hall’s most precious wares.
Tree Hugger, Monk’s Revenge,
Hopsecutioner, and Maggie’s Farmhouse too.
Delicious they were, and not a drop was wasted.
When our thirst was well quenched
And our hunger gnawed,
We embarked on a quest
In search of the best.
We wanted a choice meal.
Nothing serves better than burgers and fries.
Amidst the music downtown,
Nestled in a tiny nook,
Lay a little diner, and nothing was finer.

2011 in Review

A look at my 2011 resolutions! I’m listing my old resolutions and spilling the beans on if I actually accomplished them or not.

Read at least 3 books

Try 8 books! This resolution was made out of a 6 month period in 2010 when I read nothing, and that scared me. I wanted to get back into reading, and this resolution did exactly what it was supposed to do! Here are the books I read:

The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester
The Watchers Out of Time by HP Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story by Richard Preston
Buck Alice and the Actor Robot by Walter Koenig
Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

Do one art project per month

Woot! I’ve been tracking this one each month on this blog, so this is a given! I made a collage to show my progression for 2011

Favorite book read in 2011
Buck Alice and the Actor Robot by Walter Koenig

2011 picture I am most happy with

Runner up

2011 was a good year for art. My main resolution kept me on task, and as a result, I improved on areas that I didn’t think were possible! It enabled me to play with other types of art (knitting, sewing, and painting peg dolls).

Here’s to hoping for a wonderful 2012!