I’ve been racking my brain for interesting topics to ramble about for the past few weeks. When you open a blank document and stare at it for the millionth time in a row, it’s time scour the Internet for ideas.
I found a bunch of prompts here: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/
I did what any sensible person would do to pick a prompt. I closed my eyes, scrolled up and down, moved my mouse all over the screen, and clicked a random spot.
After I opened my eyes and saw this prompt, I sat in my chair and stared into space. Do I have something that I carry around with me all the time? Do I have a good luck charm?
Back in the early 2000s (in my AF days), my mother sent me a beautiful necklace with a thoughtful letter attached. I wore it whenever I traveled or was deployed. It gave me a sense of peace. My rational side knew it was just a pretty necklace, but it made me feel safe for some unknown, unexplainable reason. Perhaps it was the intent behind the gift.
That was a long time ago. 2019 me doesn’t wear the same necklace every day, and I don’t carry anything special in my pocket—but worry not, friends, for the necklace is tucked away in a little keepsake box. I will never part with it.
So I got to thinking. Is there something that I *do* carry with me at all times?
Does it have magic powers?
Not in the modern sense, but it is a powerful object. It contains the world at my fingertips, and I do not leave the house without it.
What is it?
Though, I’m sure you have guessed by now, for you probably carry one too.
My cellphone.
I can look up anything at a moment’s notice. When I’m away from home, I can communicate with my husband. I can order anything in the world. I can buy a plane, train, or bus ticket and go anywhere I’d like with just a few swipes of my thumb. It can direct me to the nearest coffee shop in the city, and it can hold a treasure trove of my drafts and scribbles.
It may not bring good luck in the supernatural sense of the word, but I sure as hell will have a bad time without it.