Tag: wooden dolls

First Project of 2012

I couldn’t help myself and painted a “me” peg doll since I love the show, Babylon 5, so much and created a lot of art (not to mention stories) related to it.

Here she is! The unpainted doll beside her is going to be Londo.

I, Me – Wooden peg doll. It comes to no surprise that she is a Psi Corps telepath…

Return to Tomorrow: October

I can’t believe that October is almost over already! For once, I’m excited about Monday. They are letting us dress up for Halloween, complete with a potluck lunch. I’m bringing some candy so that I can get in on the goodie goodness. I’m going as a Jedi, sans the light saber (they have a strict “no weapons or fake weapons” policy).

This was a creative month for me!

Back to 2001Full version

Itty Bitty HouseDifferent angle, acrylic on canvas

As seen in the previous update:

I, BesterFull version

I, IvanovaFull version

Previews for November!

Pepper – I guess this counts for both a preview and a drawing! I am going to paint this on canvas and give it to a friend at work for her birthday.

I, Talia – This will be Talia Winters from Babylon 5 once painted and completed.

I, Wooden Peg.

I’ve spent the past two Sunday afternoons working on what is now becoming a Sunday afternoon tradition for me. Who needs to buy miniature dolls when you can paint them yourself? Pick the fandom, and presto!

I, Bester – Full version

I, Ivanova – Full version