Tag: white house

Jumping the Fence

Day 22 of my Post-A-Day challenge. With all this news of people jumping the White House fence (let us not forget about the toddler who got through in August…*lol*), I wrote a silly blurb of a poem.

 Jumping the Fence

“I’d like to jump the fence,”
thoughts plea.
“You can’t jump the fence,”
wit decrees.
Only mad men jump the fence.
You see. 

….Well, mad men and toddlers to be precise. I don’t care how old that story is, I still find it hilarious. I do admit, that the thought of running across the lawn and lounging on the porch is rather tempting! Who hasn’t thought about it?

* Disclaimer *
I would never jump the fence.

Animate Me!

Day 13 of my Post-A-Day challenge! I promise, I am not tired this time.

Day 13: Post something you’d like to accomplish.

I would like to eventually draw something that could be mistaken for a screenshot from a cartoon or anime. By could, I mean completely mistaken for a frame out of an obscure animation show.  This is the first time I’ve ever shared this not-so-secret-anymore  wish of mine with anyone! The only way I’m going to get there is to keep drawing.

I haven’t had much time for drawing lately, but I was inspired by something I saw today. Will my next picture be “the one,” the image that makes people wonder if it is out of some sort of cartoon? I hope so because I would love to finally accomplish my not-so-secret-anymore goal.

Oh, and Furby, Dumb Cat, and White House in Space have nothing to do with anything. I just felt like photoshopping that tonight.

My Favorite Place? You Guessed It!

Day 9 of my Post-A-Day challenge!

Day 9: Post your favorite place.
Yes, I have the White House on the brain, but Washington DC really was amazing. I couldn’t possibly pick my favorite place of all time, but as far as my travels during this decade go, I can definitely say, “Washington DC!”

You can read all about my trip to DC in one of my older posts, Star Spangled City.

It’s after 9:00 p.m. EST, and I am just now sitting down to relax, so I will leave it at that!



Day 8 of my Post-A-Day challenge!

Day 8: Post about your weekend.
Well, I’m still under the weather and about as pleasant as a honey badger right now. I’m not exactly the warmest person when I don’t feel well! Other than being sick for the past two days (though, I am starting to feel better), I finished this:

The little George Washington was purchased separately. He was too cute to pass up! I think he makes an adorable addition to my Lego White House. Putting it all together was a nice break from the norm. Part of me wants to hook up a miniature light to it (look closely, and you can see a clear lego piece hanging above the porch).

Well, here is to tomorrow:  c[_]


Hopefully I’ll be back to my regular, happy self!