Tag: weekly roundup

Weekly Roundup – Free thinkers, action figures, and Voldemort

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

 ~ As soon as I get home from work, I’m sleeping.

I did it! I managed to write 50,000 words before Thanksgiving. I waded my way through Time’s defensive line and snagged myself a touchdown on Tuesday! It’s been a crazy ride, and I had a blast tweeting about it on Twitter. I haven’t finished the story yet, and I plan to do NaNoWriMo’s validation step later on this month.

This week in…
I went ahead and bought myself a preemptive Christmas present.

I can never pass up a good deal on action figures, especially on ones that I’ve been pining after for what feels like ages! The flash drowns out Thranduil, making him seem dull, but the details in him are nice. They did a fantastic job. Oh, and he *is* wearing pants underneath that.

Next we have Elrond. I was blown away with the amount of detail in this action figure. Every last millimeter of him is etched with intricate elements. As for pants…I have no idea. The package arrived yesterday, and it was dark by the time I got home! It was dark by the I got home today as well. They are either white, or he is a freer thinker than we are led to believe.

Currently Reading
More like currently writing! I probably won’t read anything this month. I haven’t touched the poor book I borrowed from the library last week. I may end up returning it and borrowing it again in a few months.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:
I’m not feeling particularly political tonight. I would like a chair with a built in heater though.

 Video of the Week
 For you fellow Harry Potter fans out there:

Keep Your Eyes Peeled!
I’m doing my own week long Black Friday sale! Check back this Sunday evening!

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone is having an awesome Halloween! Remember to have a boooooo-tastic time. Eat plenty of candy, and do let the boooo-bugs bite!

I’ve extended the Trick-Or-Treat deadline to tomorrow. You have one extra day to send a picture of your costumes and decorations! I didn’t realize that the 1st fell on a Saturday when I initially made the contest. Saturday is the busiest day of the week for me. I’m home for a total of two or three hours. I’ll announce the winner on Sunday…unless, of course, Major Pierson doesn’t get his three entries.

Full giveaway post is here: 2014 Trick-Or-Treat Giveaway

What is a Halloween contest without posting my own costume?

I am a random extra from the anime, Attack on Titan. I’ve got several sets of shiny keys that lead to no where.

Weekly Roundup
~ is very brief this week
This week in 
It has been a very sad week for space exploration. An Antares rocket exploded on Tuesday, 28 October. It was carrying cargo to the International Space Station. It was an unmanned flight, and no one was injured.
Another incident happened today (I was disheartened to learn). As quoted from Virgin Galactic’s Facebook page:
Virgin Galactic’s partner Scaled Composites conducted a powered test flight of SpaceShipTwo earlier today. During the test, the vehicle suffered a serious anomaly resulting in the loss of the vehicle. The WhiteKnightTwo carrier aircraft landed safely. Our first concern is the status of the pilots, which is unknown at this time. We will work closely with relevant authorities to determine the cause of this accident and provide updates as soon as we are able to do so.

I don’t have a blunt opinion (other than the fact that I hope that we continue to venture out into space despite the recent incidents), so I’ll skip ahead to the video of the week.

Video of the Week
 Some cat-tastic cosplay:

Weekly Roundup

 ~A quick recap of things around the Empire Earth over the past week.

This week in…
Or should I say mass media hysteria? An infectious disease nasty enough to warrant its own horror movie? After hearing all the talk around the proverbial water cooler, it seems like the media is going nuts with the three cases in the US. Yes, ebola is a scary thing akin to some sort of eldrichian horror crawling out of the pages of a Lovecraft story, but it’s not time to panic.

When my next door neighbor or a coworker has it, cue the panic attack. I learned all I ever wanted (and more) about ebola when I read The Hot Zone. I even wrote a review about it on goodreads: Untitled Review of The Hot Zone.

One word of advice: don’t google “ebola” and then click on images.

As I contemplate and stare aimlessly about the room for a geeky fun filled topic, my eyes drift towards my latest autograph. I can’t believe that I neglected to share it on here!

Walter Koenig as Bester!

A friend went to a convention and got this for me (shout out to you! You know who you are!). Anyone who has been following this blog for a while knows how much I love the character Alfred Bester on Babylon 5 and like Walter Koenig.

When I got the picture in the mail, I immediately framed it and put it up!

Currently Reading

A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin. Yes, I’m still reading it! I wasn’t kidding when I said it was quite the heavy tome. You don’t want to know how long I’ve been at it. 

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:

I saw Christmas stuff out as early as September. I don’t want to see a single jingle bell, Santa Claus, or festive tree until Black Friday.

Video of the week:
As much as I liked Frozen, I found this video hilarious!

Weekly Roundup

Don’t forget to check out my 2014 Trick-Or-Treat Giveaway! 

 ~A quick recap of things around the Empire Earth over the past week.

This week in…

If you’ve been following the stars, then you know that there was a kickass lunar eclipse on the 8th. Normally I am all about giant bloodmoons, but getting me to wake up earlier than I need to is like baptizing a cat. It’s okay though, there were plenty of reports and images on the Internet for me to satisfy my need to see it!

The first bloodmoon I remember was waaaaay back in 1999 when I was at Keesler AFB in tech school. I was in the night classes, and our instructors let the entire schoolhouse out for a while to watch it. It was amazing to say the least!
Lunar Eclipse Image Credit:
The Total Lunar Eclipse, as seen from Aichi Prefecture, Japan, 10:25:37 UTC:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_2014_lunar_eclipse 

I’m not a hardcore MMOer, but I still like to play now and then. The latest MMO craze is Archeage. Now that The Great Queues of 2014 are over, I can hop in and enjoy the game whenever I want. It is a fun, sword and sorcery game split down between two continents (factions). I’m only level 15, so I can’t give a full-fledged review yet, but there are plenty of quests to keep one entertained.

This is my shaman. You can pick three skillsets for your character I chose sorcery, witchcraft, and vitalism. Those three make up the shaman class. If you are interested in Archage, you can visit their website: http://www.archeagegame.com/en/play-for-free/

Currently Reading
A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin. It is a hefty tome, but if I were to rate it, I’d give it 4 stars so far.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:
We Americans get the shaft when it comes to paid vacation time. We are lucky if we get 2 weeks a year. Why is this still a thing?

Video of the week:
I don’t even know…Beam me up right meow, Scotty? If you like classic Star Trek, you will love this. I feel like this video was made for me or something.