Tag: trip

My Favorite Place? You Guessed It!

Day 9 of my Post-A-Day challenge!

Day 9: Post your favorite place.
Yes, I have the White House on the brain, but Washington DC really was amazing. I couldn’t possibly pick my favorite place of all time, but as far as my travels during this decade go, I can definitely say, “Washington DC!”

You can read all about my trip to DC in one of my older posts, Star Spangled City.

It’s after 9:00 p.m. EST, and I am just now sitting down to relax, so I will leave it at that!


General Update

The past few weeks have been busy, busy, and more busy! It’s okay because I flew down to GA for a wedding and had a little mini vacation. It feels good to recharge after having Busy Bee Syndrome.  Today’s post is going to be a fun pic spam post!

I don’t have a profound quote about flying or airplanes and how far we’ve come in the past 100 years.
I just think that the entire thing is awesome.

Captain Lazy Pants reporting for duty!

Georgia, you did not disappoint me. 
You had one hell of a thunderstorm Friday night!

Wedding fan. 
I thought these were cool. 😉

Heading home! 
The view was pneumatic. 

I got home early enough to enjoy a nice lunch and to go to one of the nearby stores. I finally got myself a frame for one of my Elly cards.