Tag: thranduil

Plan Your Genius

Stop and look both ways before crossing the street!

You’ve got this great idea. It might be the most awesome thing since instant coffee, and you want to rush your fabulous thing so that the world can see it! We’re talking ASAP. You scramble faster than a NASCAR driver at the Daytona 500 and zoom through that final lap. You post it on the Internet.

…Aaaaannnnnd you wait for the likes. The Internet is dead silent. You ask yourself, “Why?” Your thing has all the fabulousness of Thranduil, King of Mirkwood riding his beautiful elk into battle, right?

This is a pitfall everyone has fallen into at one point or another, myself included. You’re giddy, and you feel young again! You have all the excitement of a 10 year old kid who just finished stringing a macaroni necklace. The teacher loved it. You show it off to your parents. DAD LOOK WHAT I MADE! LOOK HOW AWESOME! You got that instant thumbs up back then. It was a sure deal.

Posting your stuff on the internet is much the same. You just finished something amazing, and you crave those digital thumbs ups, recognition for your hard work. You want to be patted on the back—it is only human to desire validation and praise, so don’t feel bad for craving it.

Look at this sketch for example. I was excited after finishing it, I mean John Smith as a Romulan Commander!? Heck Yeah! It’s an okay first attempt; I’ll give it that, but I know it can be so much more than what it is. Was I tempted to blast it on every channel of the Internetz as soon as I finished it? You bet I was!

Back to your awesome thing you just posted. Where did you go wrong?

Every good product comes with planning, practice, and patience. That thing you posted was awesome, but what if it was only the first draft of something even more amazing?

Look at John Smith now. I listened to that tiny, inner voice of mine and decided to draw another sketch and to perfect his face. Sure, I could have colored in the first attempt, but I don’t think it would even compare to this one. I took the first sketch and decided to do another one, this time using many reference pictures of the actor instead of just one.

The bottom line is this: don’t rush. Take that awesome thing and wrap it in bacon, and by bacon, I mean your genius because your genius is one of the few things more awesome than bacon.

I will discuss ways and provide tips on how you can mold your first attempts into amazing works of art, prose, or [ insert your hobby here] in my next post, The Three Ps of Making Something Awesome.

Weekly Roundup: Set Your Hashtags to Fabulous!

Happy Presidents’ Day!

I’d like to say that “OMGZ I GOT SO MUCH DONE ON OMG!ORCS!” in a super exciting font, but I didn’t. I have a hard time with the entire balancing work + hobbies thing. I should put on a giant t-shirt that says, “HOW DO I ADULT?” Said shirt would have a cat on it, of course. A bad case of insomnia didn’t help matters either.

An Awesome Discovery

What do you get when you hashtag FAILZ and can’t sleep? Discover shows on Netflix. I hate to say it, but I only had enough brain power for TV and graphic making.

I found an awesome anime, Sword Art Online. If you play MMOs and like sword fights, badass costumes, and fantasy, I highly recommend it!

A Proclamation of Goal Setting
Omg!Orcs deserves only the best
I hereby force myself to come up with a routine that will allow me to write, revise, and draw. There has to be a way to beat the after work brain shutdown (AWBS). I miss my Omg!Orcs characters! Even their shenanigans and tropes can’t defeat the AWBS right now!

V-Day Contest Winner!
*Drum roll*

Thank you for entering, D! 
You will get an email as soon as I finish this post.

Those Graphics I Mentioned
Set your hashtags to fabulous ~

Weekly Roundup: Hashtag Fab

~ Your number one source of Empire News!

I have been a bad sci-fi fan and geek lately. I haven’t been keeping up with the latest and most awesome geekdom news. *Slaps wrist* The most exciting thing to happen to me this week was getting my bus card in the mail. You have no idea how excited I am about it…It will make traveling easier.
I am putting the finishing touches on The Emerald Dress! Keep your eyes out for it because it is sauntering its way into existence soon. 
I did learn of something of note this week, so all is not lost to the ever distracted maze that is my mind. Apparently you can pay to have an envelope of glitter anonymously mailed to your enemies. Wut? Yes! Google it and laugh.
I couldn’t help but put my own twist on it.
A Tale of Two Elf Lords
Thranduil mails his frenemy, Elrond, a scroll of glitter because Thranduil is
Elrond is not inclined to appreciate Thranduil’s sparkling gift.

Then again, Elrond doesn’t have a special 24/7 glitter taskforce at his beck and call.

Weekly Roundup: Ain’t no Party Like a Mirkwood Party

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

This week is going to be a little different. I worked nine days in a row, so I didn’t have much time to keep up with all things geeky, sci-fi, and awesome. The good news is that I’m on Day 1 of a 4 day weekend! I have done absolutely nothing productive today unless you count the misadventures of my action figures as detailed below…

Ain’t no party like a Mirkwood party.
Some of these things may or may not belong.

Nothing like an Elvenking dance off. 

Blooper reel! 
Elrond, this isn’t your shot!

Want to join in the fun? Caption or tag this one!

I can’t do a Weekly Roundup without a video of the week. Let’s just keep with the silly Middle Earth theme I’ve got going on today:

My personal favorite is his Gandalf costume.

Weekly Roundup – Free thinkers, action figures, and Voldemort

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

 ~ As soon as I get home from work, I’m sleeping.

I did it! I managed to write 50,000 words before Thanksgiving. I waded my way through Time’s defensive line and snagged myself a touchdown on Tuesday! It’s been a crazy ride, and I had a blast tweeting about it on Twitter. I haven’t finished the story yet, and I plan to do NaNoWriMo’s validation step later on this month.

This week in…
I went ahead and bought myself a preemptive Christmas present.

I can never pass up a good deal on action figures, especially on ones that I’ve been pining after for what feels like ages! The flash drowns out Thranduil, making him seem dull, but the details in him are nice. They did a fantastic job. Oh, and he *is* wearing pants underneath that.

Next we have Elrond. I was blown away with the amount of detail in this action figure. Every last millimeter of him is etched with intricate elements. As for pants…I have no idea. The package arrived yesterday, and it was dark by the time I got home! It was dark by the I got home today as well. They are either white, or he is a freer thinker than we are led to believe.

Currently Reading
More like currently writing! I probably won’t read anything this month. I haven’t touched the poor book I borrowed from the library last week. I may end up returning it and borrowing it again in a few months.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:
I’m not feeling particularly political tonight. I would like a chair with a built in heater though.

 Video of the Week
 For you fellow Harry Potter fans out there:

Keep Your Eyes Peeled!
I’m doing my own week long Black Friday sale! Check back this Sunday evening!