Tag: the year is now

A Drum Roll, Please


Major Pierson did not get his entries! He’s okay though because he’s just going to roll right on through.

In other news, I tampered with the side bar and footer a little bit. I’ve added a contact form and moved the library to the bottom of this blog. Got an idea for a giveway that Pierson might enjoy? Feel free to use the form and send in your ideas!

2014 Trick-Or-Treat Giveaway

It is officially October (well, it has been for the past five days, but that’s beside the point…right?). Bring out the orange and black, the fake bats, goons, and goblins, and spin those webs of cotton! As for me, I will be enjoying many pumpkin spice lattes. Yes, I am extremely cliche when it comes to certain things in the mundane world of life. [ Insert winking emote here ]

 Happy BOOctober from Elly and Pierson! 
…Although he is not too happy about being forced into a Dracula costume.
I’m working on a spooky tale, chipping away at it when I can. The process is slow, but it’s better than never. In the meantime, if you want to get your Halloween spirit on, try Donner Lake Disaster on for size. It has a popping amount of pulp and Lovecraftian fun. The best part? It’s FREE!

2014 Trick-Or-Treat Giveaway!

Elly is feeling generous and wants to hand out treats at the end of the month. Watch out for Pierson though…he’s full of tricks!

Send me a picture of your Halloween costume, decorations, or you in costume by 11:59 p.m. on the 31st November 1st, and I’ll pick a winner. The winner will receive a paperback copy of The Year is Now

There’s a catch though: I need at least THREE entries. Pierson is just waiting to pull a trick!

Send all entries and inquiries to:

On November 2nd, I’ll announce the winner. If I don’t get enough entries, Pierson will take over this blog and post a trick! 

+ It has to be your costume, not just a screenshot of a super awesome costume on Amazon.
+ You do not have to be wearing it (you can take a picture of it hanging up or laid out).
+ Houses/Apartments decked out in Halloween decorations are okay–they just have to be yours.
+ International entries are okay! 

Rainy Days are Awesome

Day 25 of my Post-A-Day challenge! What do you do on your day off when it is constantly raining? If you’re me, you paint and draw. I must say that today was pretty awesome. It’s a shame the painting is a Christmas present because I am dying to share it! I went out of my comfort zone, and I’m really happy with it.

Yes, I am starting my Christmas gifts in September. As much as I loathe seeing Christmas decorations, I am making the gifts asap (the gifts themselves aren’t draped in reds, greens, Santas, or all things Christmas, so it’s okay!).

Major Pierson

This is the one thing I can show you. I’m going to do a digital version just as I did for Elly. Major Pierson is the other lead character, so it’s time he gets some of the spotlight. He is deep in thought. Poor guy. He inherited a mess!

I haven’t decided what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s a toss up between working on Christmas gifts or writing…but I will get plenty of writing in on Saturday before work (writing in cafes is prime real estate for my muse).

Mission Complete

Day 18 of my post-a-day challenge! I finished the drawing I mentioned in Animate Me and My September Sunday. When I set myself to something, I tend be obsessive about completing it.

I am pleased with the results. I did a slight animated version and a normal version. Whether or not it can be passed for a screenshot or part of some sort of anime is up to the viewer!

Elly from The Year is Now
This scene is not in the book or anything. I just liked the idea of her holding some kind of magical (or super sci-fi sphere that glowed).
The animated version! It’s only sparkles, but I thought it looked neat.