Tag: talisman


I’ve been racking my brain for interesting topics to ramble about for the past few weeks. When you open a blank document and stare at it for the millionth time in a row, it’s time scour the Internet for ideas.

I found a bunch of prompts here: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/

I did what any sensible person would do to pick a prompt. I closed my eyes, scrolled up and down, moved my mouse all over the screen, and clicked a random spot.


After I opened my eyes and saw this prompt, I sat in my chair and stared into space. Do I have something that I carry around with me all the time? Do I have a good luck charm?

Back in the early 2000s (in my AF days), my mother sent me a beautiful necklace with a thoughtful letter attached. I wore it whenever I traveled or was deployed. It gave me a sense of peace. My rational side knew it was just a pretty necklace, but it made me feel safe for some unknown, unexplainable reason. Perhaps it was the intent behind the gift.

That was a long time ago. 2019 me doesn’t wear the same necklace every day, and I don’t carry anything special in my pocket—but worry not, friends, for the necklace is tucked away in a little keepsake box. 😉 I will never part with it.

 So I got to thinking. Is there something that I *do* carry with me at all times?


Does it have magic powers?

Not in the modern sense, but it is a powerful object. It contains the world at my fingertips, and I do not leave the house without it.

What is it?
 Though, I’m sure you have guessed by now, for you probably carry one too. 

My cellphone.

I can look up anything at a moment’s notice. When I’m away from home, I can communicate with my husband. I can order anything in the world. I can buy a plane, train, or bus ticket and go anywhere I’d like with just a few swipes of my thumb. It can direct me to the nearest coffee shop in the city, and it can hold a treasure trove of my drafts and scribbles.

It may not bring good luck in the supernatural sense of the word, but I sure as hell will have a bad time without it.

Oh Look, a Penny!

Do you carry around a lucky charm, a favorite key chain, or wear a special necklace to help get you through the day?

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have that one “lucky” little talisman we carry around in our pockets, grab before a big event, or keep in a special spot in a special place. There is some part of us that likes the idea of clutching onto hope. Even characters have secret little good luck charms!

Meet JFK JR! Elly’s lucky fifty-cent piece. Before the big incident of 2012, she carried it around in her wallet. It was one of those things she came across back in 2003, at the height of the Iraq War. Something felt weird and off when she stepped forward to board the bus that would ferry her to the airport.

Elly glanced down to see a dated piece of Americana staring up at her. A smile pleated her nervous face as she plucked it from the asphalt. In the months that followed, nerves were best dealt with by flipping the coin between her forefinger and thumb.

It had earned itself a permanent spot in her black, leather wallet when she made it back to the States. By the summer of 2012, she had almost forgotten it was there.

The empire took every thing she had on her that fated day she crossed the anomaly. The Lafayette snatched it all up before Lieutenant Braxton could log it into his system.

50¢ Facts:

Share your own lucky charms, favorite objects, and awesome objects made of pure awesomeness on Facebook! 

I’ll be there posting one of my own!

Want more US 50¢ coin facts? Head on over to Wikipedia for more info!