Tag: talia winters

Return to Tomorrow: November, Part I

With the upcoming holidays, I’ve been a very busy artist! This update is going to come in two parts (I will post Part II next weekend). November has always been a creative month for me. There is value in the rush to find (or in my case, create) the perfect gift!

On a sad note, my computer is starting to show its age. I’ve tried everything short of reformatting the hard drive and doing a complete reinstall of the OS. I can do simple functions, but using programs like photoshop is a nightmare! I haven’t been able to do any digital pieces since then and have had to simplify my photo editing.

I hope to have this issue resolved sometime next month. In the meantime, I am happily working on some traditional art pieces and knitting projects.

Unrelated News:
I updated the Gallery, FAQ, Needles and Pins, and How to Order sections.

I, Talia – Previewed in last month’s update!

Inspired by Babylon 5!

Pepper – Acrylic on canvas
My friend adored him, and it made all the work I put into it worth it! He was also previewed in last month’s post.

I, Marcus – Wooden peg doll

Inspired by Babylon 5!

Snowman – A knitting project

Little Beach – Watercolor (I did not make the frame)

Baby Doll – Knitting project

The Caption Says it all!

I’m not a winter person; not by a long shot! This is me when I’m cold. Imagine my discomfort when the wonderfully warm weather we’ve had all week took a turn down Icicle Lane. I wasn’t amused!

This was an exercise in the popular “speed painting” I keep seeing labeled on artwork. I decided to give it a shot. The sketch is all digital and was completed in 30 minutes. It was an interesting test, and I enjoyed it.

Busy Squared

What a week! I had about 2 days during my Thanksgiving weekend that were relaxing. Once those two days were up, it was as if something unfurled itself with a fury to make up for it! Next week isn’t going to fair much better either (well, I’m just not going to get my hopes up about it. I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than caught off guard!).

On a more enjoyable note, here are a few things that I’ve been able to sneak in beneath the sum of busy squared and work times three!


I finished the Talia Winters project!

“I’m Still Here”
12 in tall || 6 hours || sewing project

Talia Winters from Babylon 5!

Moments of Zen
~ It no longer takes me 5 hours to knit one item!

“Happy Holidays”
5 hours total || loom knit