Travel season at work is officially over for the year! I like traveling and seeing new things, mind you, but it’s nice to be back on my normal schedule.
For those of you who follow me on Twitter and Instagram, you can see that I’ve already picked my devotion to Amazon’s the Man in the High Castle right back up! I can’t help it. The show is damn good. It is unique in every way, and I hope they continue writing excellent characters in Season 3!
I cannot wait until it’s time to migrate everything to the actual shelf! This will be an on-going project, one of those things that will never end.
It’s also time to jump into Sisters again. Because the project requires so much research, I had to put it down for a lot of our travel season. …Then there’s the fact that I sort of wrote my characters into a bind! I will figure out how to get Ann, Werner, and Kathy out of the trouble I got them into, so help me gods!
Imagine a level 1 teenager (Kathy), a level 4 rogue (Ann), and a level 7 warrior (Werner) up against a Demogorgon—up against three different Demogorgons in three different places.
They keep rolling ones.
I need to get them rolling tens at the very least, for in storytelling, you can’t have everyone rolling twenties all the time.