Tag: sketch

Return to…Bed!

I’ve been sick all weekend, so I will have to postpone Part II of last week’s post. However, I was digging around and noticed that I had neglected to post a drawing in October. I had even posted a preview for it back in September.

The preview:

The completed drawing:

Mirror on the Wall – Sketch to digital. Oh, Photoshop, how I miss thee….

Inspired by Babylon 5!

Busy to the Power of Ten!

That pretty much sums up my life for the past month. I’m hoping things slow down soon. I could use an extra paid day off just about now! The next one doesn’t come until the end of May. I am looking forward to it!

Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been working on:

Just a few sketches of a digital drawing that I want to finish by the end of this month and a wood pattern I created in photoshop.

I took the stitches mentioned in my last post out today. The process was much easier than I had anticipated (that’s always a plus…and so is not going to the doctor’s office)! It is such a nice day out. I already went for a walk and am tempted to go out for a second one.

The Caption Says it all!

I’m not a winter person; not by a long shot! This is me when I’m cold. Imagine my discomfort when the wonderfully warm weather we’ve had all week took a turn down Icicle Lane. I wasn’t amused!

This was an exercise in the popular “speed painting” I keep seeing labeled on artwork. I decided to give it a shot. The sketch is all digital and was completed in 30 minutes. It was an interesting test, and I enjoyed it.