Tag: sick

Weekly Roundup: I haz a sick

I am currently stumbling my way through a nasty cold.

When I am sick, I am about as pleasant as a cat in a bath and as creative as a rusted door knob. Having to work while being sick leaves me about as energetic as a napping sloth with a neck beard.

I am tentatively postponing this week’s post until Tuesday morning. I don’t have to be to work until the afternoon, so hopefully I’ll be more energetic and the worst of this lame cold will be over!


P.S. I am going to bed at the ripe old time of 8:00 p.m!

My Goals Involve No.

Day 7: Post your goals.
I’ll be honest. I am feeling under the weather. I haven’t felt this sick in a long time. The only goals I have right now involve not moving, getting up, or being productive. On that note, here is an astronaut in space!

Tonight will consist of Netflix, some sort of video game, and keeping tabs on football. I’m not a huge fan of being sick, and my mood right now is absolutely delightful! I’m glad yesterday’s prompt was…yesterday’s!

Captain MewMew has something to say

The Cover Launch Party is just around the corner! A huge thank you to everyone who participated. The results will be posted Saturday evening. Captain MewMew also has a special thank you:

I am feeling under the weather tonight. My personal remedies for subawesome energy are:

1. Water
2. Orange juice
3. Tea
4. Power opera metal
5. Drawing
6. Netflix guilty pleasure shows which will never be revealed to anyone but the NSA (they probably already know my embarrassing guilty pleasure shows).
7. Sleep

So far, I’m up to #4. #5 is about to happen while #4 blasts through my tiny computer speakers.

Have a good evening, everyone!