Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving for those of us celebrating it in the U.S! Today’s rendition of Seriously Geeky Sundays, I mean Seriously Geeky Thanksgiving will focus on gratitude. 2020 is the year to be thankful for the little things (I’m always grateful, but this year more so than most).

22nd November – Small Screen Views
The small screen, the telly, the idiot box; the television has had many names and gone through many changes since 1926. Today we’re focusing on our small screen habits.
Do you watch much television?
As I sit here mentally going through my daily routine, I realized I don’t watch much TV day-to-day. With that being said, if I am painting or drawing, I’ll put something from YouTube on in the background. Yesterday’s YouTube adventure was NASA TV. The days before that were Everyday Astronaut’s live stream of Chang’e 5 Lunar launch (China) and NASASpaceflight‘s stream of SpaceX’s Starship static test fire (hmm…I’m starting to think there is a theme here).
Let’s give a shout out to the YouTube creators out there for providing hours upon hours of free entertainment and tutorials with a special appreciation for creators like Everyday Astronaut and NASASpaceflight for their hard work in providing coverage of rocket launches and all things SpaceX.
What genres do you like to watch?
I love shows that open up possibilities, shows that force the mind to wrap itself around different ways of seeing things, and shows that explore humanity at its core. The genres I tend to favor are science fiction, alternate history, and some fantasy (I am extremely picky with fantasy).
Everyone involved in my favorite shows have forever captivated me (and in some cases changed me for the better), and I will always be grateful for that.
What shows are you watching at the moment?
Turn on Netflix. It is so good! If you want a dramatic adventure show set during the Revolutionary War, Turn. Watch it for the side characters, not for Abe (sorry, but he’s the only character I don’t like. Simcoe and Rodgers are characters I love to hate, ha ha!).
Is there any TV shows that you like to rewatch?
The Man in the High Castle, of course!
I am always in the mood for a random episode of Star Trek (DS9, TNG, TOS episodes). It’s one of the things I love about episodic shows. You can just jump in and watch whatever episode you feel like it!
Do you watch TV shows live or stream?
I stream for the most part. The only thing I watch live is NFL games. As a matter of fact, I’m watching Thanksgiving football at this very moment!
What TV shows are you looking forward to the most?
Season 3 of The Boys!