Tag: sewing

A Very Bester Surprise

Here is that promised lengthy post about the miniature Bester plush I finished last weekend!

“A Very Bester Surprise”
13.5 cm tall || 12 hours || sewing project

Yes, he really took 12 hours to create! This was my first attempt at creating a plush, and it was all hand sewn. I even created the pattern from scratch (this is included in that 12 hours).

I started out three weeks ago, spending about 2 hours each night after work on him that first week. The following week was freezing (in my opinion), and I didn’t spend as much time on him. I’m not one for cold temperatures. Even if I’m in layers with heat, I tend to not move, want to move, or do anything! It’s just how I roll.

Where was I? Ah, yes; that second week wasn’t very productive, but the following weekend was a warm one, and in that 2 day span, I finished him in record time! I had to make a stop at the local craft store for some fabric glue because I had to get the hair just right. What I had initially sewn on ended up warping and shrinking after I stuffed his head. Bester’s sideburns are classic, and I wasn’t about to skimp out on those!

I’ve uploaded a tutorial on my blog; feel free to check it out and test the waters (it’s my first tutorial for something like this, so I hope I made it easy enough to follow). I hope you enjoy the chicken scratch and formulas I left on the patterns! Who says Math has no use in the real world? 😉

Check out the tutorial
I added Mini Bester to Needles and Pins

Alfred Bester is part of Babylon 5, written by JMS — I do not own/create Babylon 5

Not So Lazy Sunday

Last weekend was extremely cold, and this weekend was absolutely perfect! The weather is busy trying to make up its mind, I suppose. I took advantage of the wonderful temperatures! I got a lot done and finished something I’ve been working on for a couple of weeks.

Here is a preview of my miniature Bester plushie! (I plan to do a longer post about him later on this month). That’s my cell phone with him to give you a baseline as to how small he is.

We started our first garden today!

It’s small because we are just starting out. I’m hoping I have some of that green thumb my father and grandmother have. They are masters of growing things and always have awesome gardens.

The plants without flowers are various peppers and one strawberry plant (I have no idea if strawberries will grow in this climate, but they are too delicious not to find out).

Needles and Pins – Other Art

Here are samples of other pieces I’ve done. I don’t offer commissions for the forms of art depicted below (not yet anyway). I’m posting them just for fun!

“I, Marcus”
Acrylic on wood || 2 hours

Inspired by Babylon 5!

“I, Me”
Acrylic on wood || 2 hours

Inspired by Babylon 5!

“I, Bester”
Acrylic on wood || 2 hours

Inspired by Babylon 5!

“I, Talia”
Acrylic on wood || 2 hours

Inspired by Babylon 5!

“I, Ivanova”
Acrylic on wood || 2 hours

Inspired by Babylon 5!

“A Very Bester Surprise”
13.5 cm tall || 12 hours || sewing project

Inspired by Babylon 5!

“I’m Still Here”
12 in tall || 6 hours || sewing project

Talia Winters from Babylon 5!

“From Bester, With Love”
12 in tall || 6 hours || sewing project

Inspired by Babylon 5!
I made dear Chekov a new costume.

“Happy Holidays”
5 hours total || loom knit

“Knitty Knit Bag”
5 hours || knitting project

My first knitting attempt!