Tag: seriouslygeekysundays

SGS: Creativity!

Looking at Heather’s wonderful prompts, I just realized that April is almost over. Is it really the last Sunday of the month already!? How did that happen? Even with quarantine it feels like it just zipped by! 

This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays theme hits close to home, and I am super excited about it. As you all know, I’m an artist who loves to draw, paint, write, and sew! 

26th April – Creativity

What does creativity in fandoms/geeky interests mean to you?

EVERYTHING. Just look at Club High Castle! 

High Castle is the one fandom where I’ve felt like I’ve been allowed to flourish. The countless hours and dedication I’ve put into the things I’ve created has been appreciated by both fans and the cast and crew. I have never experienced anything like it, and it has genuinely made me happy over the years. 

I’ve been in other fandoms where art and things just slipped by unnoticed–not that I’m seeking attention, but knowing that there are people out there who enjoy my work is an amazing feeling and a strong motivator to continue creating! 

What is the most creative storyline you’ve come across?

Well…hmm…I don’t know…. 😉 *Looks around at blog* I am a grasshopper through and through! 

Who is your favourite arty/creative character?

Frank Fink (High Castle), Pam (The Office), Data (Star Trek: TNG), Tora Ziyal (Star Trek: DS9), Loki (Marvel Movies) – Yes, he is creative, and I am putting him on this list! Just think of all the schemes he does and his artful mastery of magic!)

Who is your favourite quirky character?

I’ve thought about this one, and I have to say Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.  She didn’t care what others thought and wore her quirkiness like a badge! I always love characters that think outside of the box. Box? What box?

Which fictional innovative invention do you wish existed in real life?

Replicators from Star Trek. It would solve so many problems and make life so much easier. Whatever you want to eat beamed onto a plate within seconds? Sign me right up! Oh, and let us not forget about the fact that to “do the dishes” all one needs to do is place their dirty dish into it and say, “recycle.” 

What upcoming fandom are you most looking forward to?

I honestly don’t know. With High Castle finished and done, I don’t feel the urge to jump to another fandom so quickly. I am not ready to let go. Since quarantine, I haven’t been paying much attention to what’s coming out. I know that everyone is playing Animal Crossing, and that’s about it, ha ha!

SGS: Kings and Queens

It’s Sunday! Time for another round of Seriously Geeky Sundays! Before I dive in, I probably never thought I’d ever utter these words, but I miss going into the office. I miss walking around on my lunch breaks (it is beautiful there!), and I miss the convenience of the lunch carts and coffee shops. 

19th April – Kings & Queens

Who is your favourite female royal character?

I sat down and thought hard about this one because there are just so many that I’ve loved and looked up to throughout the years. I’ve narrowed it down, so I’ll start with the princess who I looked up to as a child. 

Princess Leia – She was beautiful, smart, cunning, and fierce in her own way. What little girl wouldn’t want to be her? She was the definition of awesome. 

Daenerys Targaryen –  I have a tendency to like problematic characters, and Daenerys is no exception. She became a favorite during Season 7. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I loved her character arc and how she descended into madness. I only wish that they had made Season 8 a full 10 episodes so that they could have delved more deeply into it. 

Who is your favourite male royal character?

Thranduil – I enjoyed the shadowy veil of darkness in him; how he carried himself and evoked power without uttering a single word. He was the perfect mixture of dark and mysterious with a dash of kindness.

Who is your favourite royal couple?

Calanthe and Eist from the Witcher! They are the definition of a badass power couple who respects each other.

What is your favourite storyline involving a royal character?

I can’t decide! I’ll have to say that all of the arcs involving the characters I’ve mentioned so far. Their arcs are what make their characters interesting. 

If you could live in any fictional royal residence, which one would it be?


Such is the virtue of the land of Rivendell that soon all fear and anxiety was lifted from their minds.

J.R.R. Tolkien
The main character of the last fandom you experienced just became King/Queen of their universe; how do they react?

None other than The Man in the High Castle’s John Smith. He essentially became a king, so I’d say it was his endgame and he’d lavish in it.

Seriously Geeky Sundays: Easter & Spring

Easter 2019, about to board the train from Vancouver, BC to Seattle

For the first time in several years, I am home for Easter. Normally I am on the West Coast for work and would be taking a train to see my sister or father (or aunt/uncles!). While I am sad that I won’t get to see them this year, I am thankful that everyone is safe and healthy, and hopefully I’ll be able to see them over the summer.

Because I’m normally on the other side of the country, I forgot to stock up on Easter candy and Easter things! 

Without further ado, here is this week’s Seriously Geeky Sunday!

12th April – Easter & Spring

Who is your favourite bunny?

Frank the Rabbit in Donnie Darko…Okay, I’ll pick a less creepy favorite! Bugs Bunny was *the* rabbit when I was a kid. Looney Tunes was the most exciting thing on the planet for 5 year old me, ha ha!

Spring is a time of rebirth so thinking about fictional worlds and characters; what does rebirth mean to you?
  • A second chance
  • A chance to try again–to keep trying until you accomplish your goal(s)
  • A chance to let yourself blossom and thrive
Easter wouldn’t be the same without Easter Eggs; if you could have anything hatch from an egg what would it be?

This is easy! A dragon. I’d ride it across the seven kingdoms 😉  Flying and fire = WIN. 

What fictional location reminds you of spring?

Spring here is chaotic. One year it will be mild and warm, another year it will be endless, miserable rain, and another year it will have scattered snowstorms. It’s not my favorite season when it’s the latter two, so I’ll have to go with a summer in Winterfell – it can be cold there when the ravens cry “Summer! Summer!”

An Easter egg isn’t just a chocolate treat it’s also a hidden item for fans to spot. What’s your favourite easter egg?

I am the worst person to spot Easter eggs in movies and television. I even googled this to see if there were any I unknowingly found, but nothing rang a bell. The same goes for riddles. It’s just not a skill I have, ha ha! 

Plan a themed Easter egg hunt for your favourite characters.

A High Castle Easter

Ed smiles as he carries a carton of hard boiled eggs. Some of them are dyed in earthy yellows, oranges, and reds, while the others retain their natural brown state. His heart races, not out of fear, but out of joy. When was the last time he, Frank, and Jules were together? And now he had Jack; this was going to be an Easter to remember!

He pauses for a moment and places the first egg underneath a rose bush. Yes, it was a bit childish, but in a world of sorrow, sadness, and death, there needed to be little echos of light.


He places the second egg in a patch of grass. His stomach growls. They were going to enjoy the eggs with salt, pepper, and bottles of Fanta later on. Jack said he had a surprise for them. Ed beams. The sun is out, bathing the small village in warmth. 

Today was going to be a good day. 

Seriously Geeky Sunday: Beginnings

Hello everyone! I stumbled upon a great idea: Seriously Geeky Sundays by Just Geeking By. She has several months worth of prompts to have fun with every week.

Let’s get started!

5th April – Beginnings

Let’s start with the basics; who are you and what do you do?

I am the owner and eccentric bartender of my fictitious bar, Club High Castle. Just call me Mishi, Luna, or Grasshopper. Any of those is fine. 

As for what I do in the real world, I am an IT Specialist (this roughly translates to if it is anything involving electricity, I’m your gal). I am fortunate to have a job where I can travel (no traveling at the moment, of course!). 

When did you start blogging?

Was 2010 really ten years ago? When did that happen? I’ve been blogging off and on for the past ten years. I feel like I have two settings: blog all the things or *crickets.* I remember when I first started out that I felt like I had to try and be a witty, literary genius.

Don’t ask me to go back and read posts from that era–good lord I was trying waaaaayyyyy to hard to sound smart. I probably came off as a clueless snob who didn’t know how to Internet or People.

Do you personally identify as a geek or nerd, or both?

Both? I mean it doesn’t get much more nerdy than wheeling AV equipment around… 😉

When did you first realise you were a geek/nerd?

This goes all the way back to high school, and I know I’m going to be dating myself here, but I believe it started with the 1995 film, Hackers. It didn’t come into full bloom until I was stationed at my first base and bought my first computer. Oh, all the endless nights staying up until 2 am! It was impossible to NOT be a geek if you were in the Comm Squadron. I remember a bunch of us having weekly LAN parties where we played Starcraft, ha!

What was your first geeky interest?


What was the first movie you watched this year?

I haven’t gone to the movie theatre in 2020 yet (and by the looks of things, I probably won’t be going anytime soon). I think the first movie I watched was Jojo Rabbit on a plane (I love flying certain airlines because it’s my chance to catch up on movies, ha ha!). 

This was super fun, and if you want to participate, join me next week for another Geeky Sunday!