It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at!
I’m a tad late for this one, but better late than never! I decided to have some fun with it and use character generators to insert myself into my answers. I included the links (an ad blocker is recommended…Wut? Did I just sneeze? ). Without further ado, ANIMATION!
9th August – Animation
There are so many different types of animation out there now and each of us have our own favourites and memories associated to them. This week we’re picking your brain about the animated world.
What is your favourite Disney movie?
This takes me back! Wayyyyy back!
The Lion King – My best friend and I were obsessed with it! We’d spend hours playing our own version of it in the cul de sac–good times and great memories!
South Park – I watched my S1 dvds over and over again, and I wore my VHS copy of South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut within a few months. I remember when my mother took me to see it in theatres. I’ll never forget the fact that I lost it right out of the gate and couldn’t stop laughing the entire time.
I honestly don’t know. There are just so many that I’ve connected with or admired over the years. And then there’s ones that make me laugh like Cartman and Homer Simpson.
What is your favourite piece of music from animation?
It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at!
This week was so much fun (don’t I say that about every week?). There is a lot of High Castle in this one!
2nd August – Supporting Roles
Up until now we’ve talked about all sorts of characters and this week we’re giving some love to the supporting roles in fandoms, the minor characters, the NPCs and the sidekicks. The smaller parts that are necessary for the whole thing to work.
Who is your favourite sidekick?
This is a tough one. As I close my eyes and make a mental note of all my favorite superheroes, I find that most of the time, their sidekicks are regulated to annoying catch phrases or stupidity. After much thought (and sifting through a bunch irritating characters), I remembered The Witcher!
Jaskier, the traveling bard who follows Geralt around. He is hilarious without annoying me (trust me when I say, that in itself, is no small feat!). And need I say more:
He was loyal to Smith without question. He was one of the few people that Smith actually cared about, which shows how important he was. He risked his life (while suffering from multiple gunshot wounds) to give Smith his gun, which ended up saving Smith’s life.
I’ll never forget the scene when Smith says in his low, husky voice, “There’s something I need you to do for me” in Season 2. He was entrusted to plan and stage Thomas Smith’s kidnapping so that Smith’s son could live out the rest of his life somewhere else.
Raeder and Smith just before they are ambushed in Season 2
I was CRUSHED when he died in Season 3. I wanted to see more of his backstory. How did he grow to be so loyal to Smith?
Which minor character do you wish had more ‘screen’ time?
Every character I listed in the previous question, but I’ll name another one that I’d like to have seen more of.
Major Klemm from The Man in the High Castle
He was Erich’s temporary replacement in Season 1 while Erich was in the hospital. I wanted to see more of him. I was hoping we’d get to see him in Season 3 spying on Rockwell under Smith’s bidding (or assassinating him in NYC in a suspenseful side plot…This sounds like a good idea for a fan fic!).
Smith (left) and Klemm (right) after the ambush in Season 2
What is your favourite scene with a minor character?
The scene in High Castle Season 4 when Chief Inspector Kido had a beer with his son while watching a baseball game. It was great to see that side of the stoic Kido, but the focus here is minor characters, so I’ll talk about his son. The poor man was obviously suffering from a mixture PTSD and guilt. I truly loved that bonding moment with his father.
Kido with his son enjoying a beer and ball game.
What has been your favourite cameo role?
It will always be the time when Tom Hiddleston appeared as Loki at SDCC 2013.
Loki surprising the crowd with an appearance at SDCC 2013
If you could have someone play a cameo role in anything what would it be?
It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at!
When I saw today’s prompt, I laughed (in a good way!) because I have a different perspective on conventions than most people would have. A huge part of my job is working at them! For anonymity’s sake, I’m not going to say which conference(s). I will say this: nothing huge like SDCC or NYCC.
Headed somewhere. The amount of wing photos I have is astronomical!
There is so much that goes into planning conferences before they come to life: logistics, event registration apps, badges (including designing every last color and word), organizing the sessions/panels, and much more. It takes a small army to accomplish this, and I am happy to be a part of it.
Without further adieu, here is my unique perspective on today’s questions!
July 26th – Conventions
It was supposed to be San Diego Comic-Con weekend this weekend. So many conventions have been cancelled this year so we’re living vicariously this week as by talking all things conventions.
Have you been to a convention and if so, how many?
Due to my unique perspective, I’ve lost count!
Because I’ve lost count, I’ll use this opportunity to give you some advice.
Be kind to the person at Registration. Be kind to the person directing you to a certain area. Be kind to anyone with a Staff badge–There is a ton of work that goes on behind the scenes, we’re working long hours, and we don’t have any control over the prices or rules. <3
Club High Castle Con 2020 (can this be A Thing?)
Always complete the feedback surveys emailed after the event. Always! That is your chance to make suggestions! We take those surveys seriously.
What was the last convention you went to?
In February (when you see me posting travel pictures; 99 percent of the time, it means I’m working at a conference). February revisited one of my favorite venues (the hotel LOVES us, and I love them because they don’t blast the AC–yes, this is a problem in the winter at most hotels). I love them for other reasons too, but I always look forward to them because I know I won’t be shivering under my jacket as I check people in, ha ha!
I love it when we get lucky and have some free time to explore the city!
Horsing around on the Sky Deck in the Willis Tower
What is your favourite convention memory?
There are so many of them! I can’t just name one, so I’ll name a few.
One of our attendees pranking me (I just about jumped 10 feet in the air, and burst out laughing!)
There was a time when I saw an attendee posing a stuffed animal near one of our signs. I watched them snap a picture of it, and I had a certain hunch. I waved them over and asked if they’d like me a badge for their stuffed animal. I’ll never forget the sheer excitement on their face as they exclaimed,
“Yes! I really wanted to ask for one but was so afraid!” I made a badge for it, and gave them pointers on taking selfies with it and where the best signs were, ha ha!
Getting to see Smith’s building in Vancouver
High Castle filming location, seen in S1: EP2
I dress in rockabilly vintage style dresses, sometimes with bright, outlandish colors. There was this one panelist who was in this fabulously bright vintage suit, and we laughed and complemented each other on our outfits. It turns out we both dressed in brightly colored vintage style clothing all the time.
Walking around Denver when it was 12 F (-11 C) outside and getting lost multiple times trying to find the Mint with a coworker. When we finally found it, it was closed because it was a banker’s holiday. It was one of those things that we just laughed at.
After walking around Denver in 12 F weather on a quest, only to find the Mint closed.
The entire crazy final evening in Philly one time…man, where do I start with that one? It was like an episode right out of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I might have to come back to this one in another post because I’d have to tell the entire story. Just know there was chaos, laughter, and ???.
Which convention would you love to go to?
I’ve always wanted to go to SDCC or NYCC because the High Castle cast would always be there; now that the show is over, I’d still like to go to one and dress up!
Who are you hoping to see at a convention next?
The regulars. I always look out for them. Some of them have no idea I exist (unless they’ve been in my line), but their faces are so familiar that I keep an eye out for them.
Oh look, Purple Tie Guy is here! * * Not an actual attendee.
This sounds strange, but it’s always good to see them. The regulars I talk to (including the prankster), are always a riot! I even decorate my station with fun stuff because I know Prankster and others love it.
What is your favourite purchase from a convention?
Do I go with life saving or fun? Why not both!
How I got it in my head that Denver was warm, I will never know. I did not pack the right jacket (a mistake I will never make again), so I ended up getting a Broncos hoodie from one of the local shops, and man. That thing has kept me warm for a few winters! I always take it with me now.
I like collecting miniature statues, keychains, and patches from my travels, so they are another favorite item!
I decided to start collecting travel patches in 2019
Today’s prompt is near and dear to my heart. I have always been fascinated by space. Fifteen year old Queen Grasshopper’s room was plastered with Nasa posters, one of which, I still have to this day (I’ve been meaning to frame it after all these years). My ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars, and I’d lay in bed just gazing at them.
Would I ever go to space? Would there be a colony on the moon by the time I was 40? Would we go to Mars?
July 19th – Galaxy Adventures
Tomorrow is National Moon Day, the anniversary of when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. It’s a day in our history when our world got that bit bigger and that means it’s time to talk about adventures in Galaxies Far Far Away.
What is your favourite sci-fi fandom?
Sci-Fi fandoms can be wonderful, and they can also be hard–I mean it is only natural that a group of passionate people have their differences! This is a tough question because I’ve made so many lifelong friends through the various sci-fi fandoms that I’ve been a part of over the years.
I have traded gifts with friends (most of whom are on the other side of the pond ). I’m always on the look out for gifts to send to a select few during my travels, but 2020 has thrown a wrench into that for now. I look forward to the day I can peruse a gift shop in some far away state!
Through fandoms, I’ve laughed, I’ve created art, I’ve had arguments (I mean..who hasn’t?), and I’ve been introduced to new ways of thinking–opening up my mind to become the kind person that I am today.
So in answer to this question, I’ll look back at the good times and name my top three.
1. High Castle 2. Star Trek 3. Babylon 5 Psi Corps/Bester fandom
Runner up Star Wars – many fond memories of my teens and early twenties of creating stories with my friends and doing group cosplays on Halloween. I still have the Jedi costume that was tailor made for me!
What is your favourite fictional planet?
The Martian Congressional Republic Mars from The Expanse – I love how militaristic they are. I love how their society is one of do what’s best for everyone; in other words, Group Think. They are fascinating to me and I love any and every shot of Mars in that show! I look forward to seeing how the events of the show play out for them. I’m a little worried, ha ha!
Who is your favourite alien character?
This is impossible to pick just one, so I’ll name a few.
Weyoun from Star Trek: DS9
The alien queen from Alien
The predator from Predator
Kira from Star Trek: DS9
What is your favourite alien species?
This should come as no surprise to those who follow me: Vorta and Romulans. They’re sneaky, cunning, conniving, and attractive.
What alien creature would you like to have as a pet?
Tribbles: they are cute, fluffy, and purr. Need I say more?
My family of tribbles
What is the most visually stunning alien landscape you’ve seen in a fandom?
I’ll have to go with any landscape involving the protomolecule from The Expanse. I love the glowing blue tones and the orbs; everything is so eerie yet beautiful. I love it!
Summer has always been my favorite season! I love the warm weather, the sunshine, and of course, beaches. It’s not like I paint them or anything
July 12th – Summer Time
It’s summertime in the western hemisphere so this week we’re thinking about the warmer time of year and tropical climates.
What is your favourite summer movie?
Mad Max: Fury Road – Yes, it’s a summer movie in my book, the most badass summer movie ever created! I remember when I saw it in theatres. I felt like it was written specifically for me because it had everything I ever wanted in a post apocalyptic world: crazy warriors decked out in bizarre armor, check. Insane vehicles with metal armor and weapons, check. Fast paced sequences with an action packed soundtrack, check.
I mean, check out the Doof Wagon in all its glory complete with metal riffs that shoot flames.
What is your favourite summer scene/moment from a fandom? This could be something specific to hot weather i.e. trip to the beach or a holiday/road trip, or something that happened during the summertime.
The entire Black Panther movie because there are too many amazing scenes (and beautiful sets) to choose from! It’s one of my favorite MCU films.
What is your favourite fictional tropical location?
This is like picking my favorite cake…can I have all of them?
I truly enjoy the art of anime beaches. They’re always so beautiful, sparkling, and the animators know how to capture the essence of tropical paradise. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched anime, so I am racking my brain (and google) for specific scenes I remember, but I’m coming up short.
I just love the way water looks in animation, and this has inspired me to attempt to do some digital beaches in the near future.
On a side note, searching “anime beach” brings up stuff that I don’t want to put on my blog, ha ha, so sadly, I don’t have a screencap. You can google anime beaches at your own peril.
If you could go on holiday to any fictional place where would it be?
Risa in Star Trek Online, especially their summer event (I probably missed it this year). It’s so much fun to explore, and you can fly around in a jet pack!
Which fictional characters would you choose for a road trip?
Bester, The Smiths, Katniss & Peeta, and Loki!
Pick a fandom and create an ice cream flavour based on it!
My first instinct is Neapolitan for The Man in the High Castle, but since we get to create a flavor, let me break out my sketch book!
Die Nebenwelt Swirl
Enjoy a refreshing vanilla treat with swirls of blueberry flavor! It is a must have while visiting Die Nebenweltland!