Sunday, FUNday! Another fun prompt for Seriously Geeky Sundays by the awesome Heather!
4th October – Celebration Time
Smiles, tears, drama; celebration in fandom can run the gauntlet of emotion as characters celebrate the small and big moments in life. As fans, we celebrate our love for those characters and the worlds they inhabit through anniversaries and milestones. This week looks at the idea of celebration from both sides of the fourth wall.
What is your favourite celebration scene from a fandom?
High Castle – When Juliana, Frank, and Ed are reunited in Season Three
Star Trek DS9 – The celebration at the end of the war in Vic Fontane’s club. I loved it, and I loved how Weyoun and Damar got to be included (as humans ).
Game of Thrones – Sansa’s coronation. It was beautifully done; she deserved to be queen, and can we just talk about her gorgeous gown?

This next one is going to sound horrible, but when the Skeksis drink the essence of the guards in The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance and are drunk off of it. It was so messed up that it was hilarious (as much as I disliked them!). I wish it wasn’t cancelled. It was so good.
It won an Emmy for goodness sake!
Which character’s birthday was the most memorable?
Does Picard-Day count? Star Trek: TNG was full of fun scenes like that! I’ll always love how Picard begrudgingly accepts that Picard-Day is A Thing.
What does celebration mean to you as fan?
Enjoying things with like minded friends who share the same love and devotion to a book/show/movie. I love seeing the things they come up with and feeling that same appreciation when I share my art. I am so thankful I got to experience that with High Castle.
What was the last fandom related achievement or milestone you celebrated?
Art – Since discovering the best show ever created in 2015, The Man in the High Castle (I mean, what other show would I call the best? Ha ha!), my skills as an artist have skyrocketed. I never thought in a million years I could do realism or paint beautiful sea scapes,and it is all thanks to my obsession with High Castle.
The pandemic has thrown a wrench into my ability to come up with things to draw, and for that I am truly sorry.

Club High Castle – It all started with painting peg dolls of the characters. Since there were no posters, action figures, or memorabilia to buy, I created my own, and it has sense grown into a full fledged room!
Have you ever had/been to a fandom themed celebration?
Does football count? Ha ha! I need to think of something I haven’t talked about before, so football it is!
At the beginning of the year yes, there was a normal beginning in the Before Times of 2020, I was thrilled that the 49ers were in the playoffs.
They’d play on a Saturday during a work trip, and my fellow football fanatic coworker’s team also had a game when we’d be gone (her team is an AFC team, so they didn’t play each other). We coordinated our jerseys (and nails!) to wear the final day of the work conference.
And oh the adventure we had trying to get glimpses of the 49ers game later that night after we had closed and packed up. I feel like we stumbled upon an alternate universe, where the wacky adventures, strangeness and hilarity of Paddy’s Pub (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) reigned supreme-supremely crazy! I’ll just leave it at that, ha ha.

I FORGOT about this picture! I couldn’t decide on which color to wear and sent it to her. We then brought our jerseys and nail strips to work and decided on what colors to wear. Football is SRS BSNS
Do you celebrate any important pop culture dates such as movie or video game release anniversaries?
Not really because I often forget. Shame on me, I know! I will make a note to do something for the anniversary of the final season of High Castle though on November 15th.