Tag: seriouslygeekysundays

Geeky Sunday: International Women’s Day

Hello, Everyone! I am back with another fun filled Seriously Geeky Sundays brought to you by Heather! I’ve been busy these past two weeks with a virtual conference, so I hope today’s post makes up for it.

Women's Day

7th March – Maiden, Mother, Crone

March 8th is International Women’s Day (IDW), a worldwide celebration of women, and later this month it is also Mother’s Day in the UK. What better time to think about the leading ladies of fandom?

Who is your favourite leading lady?

I couldn’t possibly choose just one! There are so many well written women that I’ve admired over the years, so I included a few honorable mentions at the bottom of this question.

Ellen Ripley from the Alien franchise – the first Alien movie was ahead of its time and still holds up even to this day. She is such an iconic character, and I’ll always rank her among my favorite female leads.

Ellen Ripley - Alien
Ellen Ripley – Alien

Honorable Mentions

  • Starlight – The Boys
  • Queen Maeve – The Boys
  • Kimiko – The Boys
  • Princes Leia – Star Wars
  • Delenn of Minbar (Babylon 5)
Which kickass female fighter do you admire?

My favorite female fighter will always be Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games trilogy. She’s realistic with her fears, failures, and emotions, yet she has the intellect and skill to survive and bring hope to those around her.

Katniss Everdeen - Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen – Hunger Games

Honorable Mentions

  • Princes Leia – Star Wars
  • The awesome ladies on The Boys! 
  • Juliana Crain – High Castle
Who is the most badass female villain in your opinion?
Queen Daenerys I Targaryen
Queen Daenerys I Targaryen

Fire breathing dragons. Need I say more? I wish the final season had the full 10 episodes because Daenerys became one of my all time favorite villains in the span of a single season. She always had it in her, and I wish we had gotten to see more of it in Westeros.

Do you have a favourite fictional mother or grandmother?

You know I’m going to pick Helen Smith from High Castle, right? Because I pick Helen Smith from High Castle. She protected her children at all costs, and when she failed to protect her son, she went through a dark, emotional spiral, but she came out of it with the realization that she had been wrong and that she was going to save her daughters and take down a certain ideology no matter the cost.

Helen Smith - Season 3
Helen Smith – Season 3
IDW is about celebrating women’s equality and inclusivity in all fields; what characters have championed this cause?

If something is obviously preaching at me, I tend to not take interest in it. I want to be immersed in a book, show, or movie, so much so, that I lose track of time and forget my woes. Examples of inclusivity done right include The OA, The Expanse, and MCU’s The Black Panther film

The OA
The OA
Which women in pop culture inspire you?
  • Wonder woman (she was an icon of my childhood!)
  • Galadriel – Lord of the Rings/The Hobbet
  • The Romulan Commander from Star Trek: TOS
  • Major Kira – Star Trek: DS9
  • Catwoman (kid me loved cats and wanted to be badass, okay!)

Geek Out Your Living Space

And it’s time for another fun filled prompt from Seriously Geeky Sundays! This week’s questions are near and dear to my heart. I have always filled my dwellings with posters, banners, and action figures of my favorite shows and movies.

31st January – Decorate

We’ve come to the final week of the Adorn, Decorate and Embellish three-month theme. It’s Inspire Your Heart With Art Day today which is the perfect day to explore the topic of decorating in relation to fandoms and being a geek.

Do you decorate your home with geeky products?

Oh yes. So much yes. I’ll focus on areas of the house that I don’t think I regularly post photos of. I mean, I’ve posted Club High Castle many times! I’m going to let other places share the spotlight today.

For starters, let me talk about the stairs and our hallway. We’ve got space posters along the stairwell. As you go up the stairs, you are greeted with banners from House Stark and Targaryen. House Lannister appears when you turn into the hallway itself. At the end of that same hallway, I have a signed High Castle poster from Season 2 that I won in 2016 and a Star Trek poster a friend gave me.  

Do you own any posters or fanart prints? If no, what ones would you like to buy?

Do your own fanart prints count? Because I have at least two posters that were made from my own drawings. It’s one of the advantages of being an artist. If you want it, you can draw it right then and there. 

A print of one of my own drawings hangs in the hallway.
‘Have you ever commissioned an artist?’ and/or ‘Which artist/s would you like to commission work from?’

No, but only because I am an artist. I have had people commission me in the past for digital art and paintings. It’s so much fun and a nice fall back for periods of office closures and whatnot. As much as I enjoy it, I always get nervous right before I send the piece. My mind automatically goes into full THEY WILL HATE IT AND TELL THE INTERNET mode. 

 If I were to commission an artist, it would be a carpenter to help me build an awesome, vintage meets High Castle home office. I want to commission a seamstress/tailor for a few things for my WWII French Resistance impression. I can make armbands, but clothes are another matter! 

What character’s home/room gives you DIY envy?

Every single room and set from the Man in the High Castle, but that goes without saying, so I’ll pick something different. 

This is technically not a character, but I would LOVE to build an add-on to my house that looks exactly like Walt Disney’s apartment in Disneyland. I love that turn of the century look, and to be able to just disappear for a while would be fun. 

The main character of the last fandom you enjoyed is giving your room a make-over; what does it now look like?

We’ve been watching a lot of serial killer and crime documentaries, so I’m going to go with our weekly Wednesday dose of The Expanse from Amazon, and HELL YES! I pick Draper and Alex to redecorate my room to look like a badass Martian war room/apartment in all of MCRN’s glory, complete with my very own uniform. If it was up to me, Mars would rule the galaxy. 

If you could decorate a room in the style of a fictional place what would it be?

Besides High Castle (because y’all know I’m going to pick that), I’ll go with Star Trek: The Original Series. I absolutely adore post-modern depictions of the future.

Mad Max: Love and Thunder

It’s time for another fun filled adventure with Seriously Geeky Sundays! This time we are heading done under for a look at Australia!

24th January – Around the World in 8 Sundays [Australia]

The 26th January is Australia Day, the national day of Australia which marks the anniversary of the first fleet of British ships to land at Sydney Cove in 1788. Despite being a national day, it does reflect a controversial point of history and is also referred to as Invasion Day. I recommend learning more about it here.

I’ve chosen this day for this month’s Around the World in 8 Sundays topic because history isn’t simple. It is controversial, and contemporary celebrations for Australia Day have worked to encompass every aspect of Australian culture. This seemed the ideal way to introduce a discussion about the pop culture of the continent of Australia.

What is your favourite fandom set in Australia?

Mad Max: Fury Road is one of my all time favorite movies. I wrote a review which goes into detail: All Shiny and Chrome

Who is your favourite character from the continent of Australia?

Imperator Furiosa – She was jam packed with badassery, not to mention she was a great heroine! I am so glad they didn’t throw her into a pointless love plot (one of the MANY reasons I love that movie!).

Do you have any favourite authors/entertainers/celebrities from this continent?

Chris Hemsworth – The one and only THOR. On the topic of Thor, here’s my ranking of Thor movies (not Avengers):

  1. Thor
  2. Thor: Ragnarok
  3. Thor: The Dark World

If things ever get back to normal, I want to see Thor: Love and Thunder.

Thinking of Australia’s diverse history, which part would you like to see featured in a fandom?

I’d like to see (or read) something that covers the era leading up to British colonization.

Although there is a thriving Australian and New Zealand entertainment industry very few productions are picked up outside this continent. What are your thoughts on this?

I haven’t seen enough Australian shows to provide an educated answer for this. Would I like to see more movies? Hell yes. For starters, you’ve got the Lord of the Rings Trilogy filmed in New Zealand, and not to mention Mad Max!

You’ve been given a chance to set a scene for a fandom of your choice in Australia; do you pick the outback or an urban location?

I am going to be super cliche and pick the outback, ha ha! This is dreaming, but I’d like to see an episode of Babylon 5 set in the outback where Alfred Bester is tracking a powerful rogue telepath.

And can we get a Mad Max/Thor crossover set in the Outback? Because I’d totally pay to see that!

SGS: Looking Back at 2020

What a year this was! If you asked me one year ago how I thought 2020 would go, I’d have never predicted the burning dumpster that is actually 2020. And on that note, I can’t believe we are on the final Sunday of the year. 

This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays prompt is a fitting way to end the year, but keep your eyes peeled because I’ll be doing something special later this week! 

I’ll be posting the Inaugural Grasshopper Awards: personal awards of fun for my favorite things I’ve stumbled upon this year! 

27th December – 2020 in Fandoms

It’s the final SGS of the year and let’s be honest, 2020 has been awful. Our fandoms have gotten us through a lot this year and we’re here to celebrate them (and shame them) this week.

Which fandom was the highlight of your year?
  1. The final season of Mr. Robot on Amazon Prime – As sad as I am to see the show end, I felt that they did an excellent job of wrapping things up, not to mention that BOMB of a twist! I think that was my favorite thing about the finale! I won’t post spoilers for those who have yet to watch the awesomeness that is Mr. Robot. 

2. The NFL (lol!) There is something calming about putting a game of football on and letting it play in the background. I threw myself into it this year (I am literally typing this in a Jimmy G jersey and a George Kittle hoodie). I wore my 49ers beanie when I went out today and my 49ers apron when I was baking! It’s fun to fully immerse yourself into something like that because you can take a break from the ills of the world. 

Which one surprised you the most?

Space Force on Netflix – I ended up laughing way more than I thought I would and loving the silliness of it all. It was a much needed break from the burning dumpster we’re all currently in. 

Did you revisit an old fandom?

Babylon 5 – Namely my favorite black clad telepaths, Psi Cops. I drew a hell of a lot of Psi Corps fanart this year (when I looked back at my art, I was kind of surprised by *just* how much I revisited Babylon 5 and the Psi Corps). 

What was the best new release of this year for you?

This is not going to surprise anyone. I mean, I dressed as a genderbent character from it for Halloween, ha ha! 

The Boys – Season 2! Beyond the gore, the season explored important themes by weaving them into the story. We weren’t beat over the head with them, but instead experienced them through the characters. I am looking forward to Season 3!

What fandom was the biggest let down?

1. Netflix canceling Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. That show was so good. I hope Amazon picks it up (I mean all of the sets, props, and puppets must be stored somewhere…).

2. The injuries that plagued the 49ers at the beginning of the NFL season. I had such high hopes that we’d see another Big Game appearance this year, but…2020 reared its ugly head and took a fat-

You get the drift! 

3. I’m not going to name this one, but I feel it’s worth  mentioning to make a point. I tried liking it, really, I did! I even wrote little reviews to try to force myself to like it because it seems to be taboo to feel otherwise (there is a huge difference from casually not being into something and actively hating on it and harassing people every chance you get). I miss the days where you could have civil discussions, and disagreeing with someone wasn’t seen as being the enemy. There is a “You’re either with 100% of my opinions or you’re a horrible person” mentality now. I write this in hopes that there are others out there who feel the same way about this trend.

Who were your favourite characters of 2020?
  • Homelander – That magnificent bastard
  • Starlight
  • Queen Maeve
  • Kimiko 
  • The Black Noir
  • A – Train – At this point, I just need to say almost everyone on the Boys, lol!
  • Elliot (Mr. Robot) – I relate to the hoodie wearing anxiety ridden introvert!

A Very Wintery Sunday

Pack your bags, Grasshoppers! We’re taking a trip to the icy tundra that is the Antarctic. This week’s Seriously Geeky Sundays takes us to the edge of the world, the snowy unknown! Edge in the poetic sense of the world, and it pains me to have to clarify such an obvious metaphor, but there has been a resurfacing of Flat Earthers as of late. 

6th December – Around the World in 8 Sundays – Winter Wonderland / Antarctica

There’s only one way to celebrate the coldest part of the world and that’s at Christmas. This week we’re combining Around the World in 8 Sundays with a celebration of all things wintery and christmassy in pop culture.

What is your favourite winter themed fandom?

Game of Thrones. I’ve always loved the first scene, especially the eerie snow forest. It was such a good opening because it was creepy, and it wouldn’t have been that way had it not taken place in a cold, wintery setting.

One of my all time favorite scenes in the show is when Daenerys flies her dragons across the wall to rescue Jon Snow. I am sorry but dragons flying in snow, roaring with their flames = BADASS.  

Which ice/winter character do you like the most?

Last night I had a dream where I was in The Seven. I was a female version of Homelander (who tolerated me), but I also had the ability to wield and create ice the same way Elsa from Frozen does. Needless to say, it was a fun dream! Okay, now on to the actual question itself! 

My favorite is everyone’s favorite MCU Frost Giant, Loki! 

What is your favourite Christmas themed moment in a fandom?

You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!

There have been many incarnations of Santa over the years; which has been your favourite?

Kris Kringle from Miracle on 34th Street (1947). He was just so kind and fatherly!

Which winter themed creature is your favourite?

Thranduil’s elk. Just look at that majestic creature. Could you imagine riding into battle on him?

Queen Grasshopper rushes into battle, her arm raised as she ignites an icy spell. Shards of ice fall from the sky, penetrating the ranks of the orc army below.

If you could move to any snowy fictional place, which one would it be?

This is a tough one for me because I am a Summer Girl. I wouldn’t mind if it was 80 degrees all year round. If I had to pick a wintery place, it would have to be Hoelbrak in the Shiverpeak mountains from Guild Wars 2. I love their homesteads, and their fireplaces look so cozy and inviting–and much to my dismay, any screenshots I took are most likely on the remains of another hard drive. 

Remembering this makes me want to play again, but I know it would take hours of endless updates (it’s been a long time!). I’m the type of person who gets annoyed when things get too hard or grindy, so I’ll make a million alts until they reach the same part of the game. I’m a bad MMOer, ha ha!