Tag: selfie

Selfies on Mars. What’s Next, Pluto?

I’ve watched a lot of NASA and space exploration centric films lately (Apollo 13, Interstellar, and The Martian).

Original photo courtesy of Curiosity, the Mars rover

 Like every other person who probably saw The Martian, I immediately went to NASA’s website (well…I go there every day anyway to check out New Horizons, so this really isn’t altering my Internet habits any) and flooded myself with images of Mars and selfie obsessed robots.

Photo courtesy of NASA. 
Find all the images of Pluto you want here!

We live in an exciting era. We are on what I hope is a brink of a new age for humanity. I mean, we sent New Horizons to Pluto, and there is talk of a manned mission to Mars. Right now the possibilities of what we may discover are endless. I just hope we don’t mess it up before we can even cross the bridge of a new age…We humans tend to be greedy and warlike.

Until we know every last inch of our solar system and have sent a person to every viable planet, I will be daydreaming my own futuristic societies and writing science fiction. Until then, I will also devour every decent sci-fi book I can get my hands on!

If you could go to any planet, which one would it be?
My answer is obvious: Pluto!

In other news, I’ve finally gotten myself a smartphone. Yes, ladies and gents, I am just now jumping into the 21st century as far as telecommunications is concerned. A combination of my hard-headed defiance, “They are too big!” and realistic “I don’t have the money.” were the factors in my tardiness for joining the rest of the world.

Shocking! Space and Buzz Aldrin on the moon? I surprise myself. 

Careful With That Selfie!

The Command Deck has a special guest today!

Agent Jadelynn Jackson from the RIA (who is also the star of my upcoming story, Stars or Stripes) has a special message for you all.

Dear Self,
I must not take selfies with my empire-issue chit card. I must not take selfies with my empire-issue chit card….and et cetera.

In my defense, it’s not everyday you get to go into a classified area with relics from the past. By past, I don’t mean ten years ago. Nope. This was some Grade A, pre-Great War stuff.

I mean who could blame me? You have to have a Level 5 clearance just to get near the thing! The selfie would have been just an innocent file named something boring stored in my chit for a few hours until I got home to transfer it.

But nope. I had to mess up big time. My boss laughed the entire time he was reprimanding me. *sigh* So how did an innocent selfie blow up in  my face?

It’s easy.

An agent sent out a mass message, warning everyone about a potential twelp situation several miles away. That same agent sent me a private message because I was closest to the “fun.” Well…My thumb slipped, and when I was trying to swipe my selfie away, I hit “Reply All,” and my lovely mug was sent to the entire 10th Eastern Command.

Charming, I know.

I wonder how many times it got forwarded before Headquarters purged everyone’s chits…Ah, my smiling face and that devious little act of mine…Well, here’s to you, Level 4 security clearances and below. You got to see a rare artifact; you only had to put up with my face.

The lesson here is simple: don’t abuse your chit card privileges, and don’t hit the “Reply All” button. But really…why do they still keep it RIGHT next to the regular “Reply” button? Not that I was going to send my selfie to the agent in question or anything, but still! Why?


Stars or Stripes is coming soon to a Command Deck near you!
 Did we mention that it’s going to be free?

Weekly Roundup: All the Reasons Why Elrond is Awesome

~ Your number one source of Empire News!

Elrond takes a selfie at Club Silmaril

This week’s roundup is dedicated to the awesomeness that is Elrond. He is one of the most underrated characters in all things popular right now.

Why is he so awesome? For starters, he is one badass elf. He managed to create the great elven refuge, Rivendell, and successfully lead it (warding off any attacks and keeping the general populace content) for thousands of years.

He is keeper of one of the three elven rings of power (the only three rings that The One Ring cannot control) and is a card carrying member of the powerful White Council. I am just itching to see The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies because Elrond and the White Council kick some major Necromancer butt. I cannot wait to see him as a warrior in the limelight! And yes, I am always late to the movie party…

“Elrond: Son of Earendil and Elwing, who at the end of the First Age chose to belong to the Firstborn, and remained in Middle-earth until the end of the Third Age; master of Imladris (Rivendell) and keeper of Vilya, the Ring of Air, which he had received from Gil-galad. Called Master Elrond and Elrond Half-elven. The name means ‘Star-dome’.”
–The Silmarillion, JRR Tolkien

Despite his power and prowess as a respected warrior, Elrond was kind hearted. Rivendell was a refuge, after all, and he treated his guests with honor.

“He was as noble and as fair in face as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves and as kind as summer.”
–The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien

So what if he’s a little grumpy, he is awesome.

He didn’t exactly appreciate his selfie being uploaded. He especially didn’t appreciate the cute chibi drawing. 😉

Excerpt Time, But First…

It looks like I missed this week’s Weekly Roundup. I blame the holidays, but don’t worry! I’ll make up for it. Here is an excerpt from Lucius Sinclair. Want to read the full thing? It is now FREE to download from the iBookstore and Lulu!

Elrond and Captain Kirk gearing up for New Years Eve. 
Gentlemen, it is not for another two days!
Excerpt from Lucius Sinclair
The following is (c) M.L. Crabb 2013
The anthem trickled through the speakers built into his flat screen television. Lucius Sinclair ignored it even though he was grateful for the sudden interruption. His pale hands were clammy, but they had finally stopped trembling. Vocational school was supposed to be different, he thought as the empire’s proud melody attempted to break through his concentration. Remus is in security, and I’m far away with the artisans…He swallowed and ran his fingers through his short hair.
Wisps of blonde fell in front of his eyes when the anthem was silenced by The Great Seal. Lucius gazed at the silver eagle; its downcast eyes were a reflection of the pain in his own. Did it have a twin brother whose only purpose in life was to-
“Good evening, citizens!” Ron and Barbara, the empire’s most popular news team, appeared on his TV. Their maroon business jackets complemented the khaki undertones of their skin. Barbara’s straight teeth glistened in the camera lens. “As you all know, the Annual Noble Treaty Festival is just around the corner!”
“That’s right, Barb,” Ron smiled. “In just two weeks, the streets will be paved in celebrations!” he winked. “But you and I both know that the unofficial partying has already gotten underway. Emperor Deigo Clinton is especially fond of the pre-festivities festivities.” Ron and Barbara placed their hands to their hearts, “as all citizens should be. The Noble Treaty Festival is an annual celebration that marks the birth of our great empire.” There was a pause. “The schedule of events has been released, but first to you, Barb.”
“Thank you, Ron. Before we can release the schedule, I have some sour news to report.” The cheesy grin that had been plastered over her face was replaced with a sullen frown. “A creeping twelp was captured yesterday.” A square of video footage appeared on the top right corner of the screen. A voke in a green beret with a face no older than his own stared from it, eyes wide.
“Vocational student Miles Cunningham was arrested for creeping the thoughts of his instructor. He has been found guilty and is scheduled for termination.” The image shifted. The same young man was sitting on a steel bench in a prison cell. His eyes seemed hollow, lined with circles, and his skin was a deathly shade of white. Lucius shuddered and glanced away. 
“Just eighteen years old,” Ron sighed. “Let this be a lesson to our viewers: this is what happens when parents don’t do the right thing upon infancy.” Lucius rose and walked to the back of his dorm room. It wouldn’t shut out the annoying broadcast, but at least he could plug his ears, close his eyes, and pretend it wasn’t happening. 
He could always step out into the hall, but the TV at the end of it would only be blaring the same thing. The young man frowned. So much for a welcome interruption…At this point, he wasn’t sure if he preferred the nasty spam of messages from his brother over Ron and Barb’s eerie story. His brother’s latest antic was showing off his stupid hemp tattoo and saying that Lucius better remember it—“Else, I’ll pound your face into the wall on my next weekend pass. Hoorah! The Prowling 42nd!” 
It was a ridiculous and hideous thing. On his forearm was a bulky omega symbol with two dots and “42nd” beneath it. Remus was waving it around in his last message like it was some sort of macho ritual. Ugh… never mind him. Keep your head low. Don’t be an idiot like Miles Cunningham…Don’t get caught.

April Photos, Bring May…A Rhyme

I challenged myself to take a picture a day during the month of April. I only missed one day! I posted some of the pictures on here. If you want to see them all, check out The Command Deck’s facebook page!

I have some Q&A about the contest, but first, let me take a selfie:

Business cards and some glossy prints of my main character!


Cover Launch Contest Q&A

Can I bake something?
Yes! You can bake a cake, cupcakes, cookies–you name it! Just make sure you decorate it, color it, or somehow tie it to the quote. Take a picture of your work, and send it in!

I can’t see the email address. Did I miss it?
Here you go!

Photos From April


Morning coffee time, and look what’s parked outside the little grocery store!

No scooter riding!

Rain, rain, rain…