Tag: prompt


I’ve been racking my brain for interesting topics to ramble about for the past few weeks. When you open a blank document and stare at it for the millionth time in a row, it’s time scour the Internet for ideas.

I found a bunch of prompts here: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/

I did what any sensible person would do to pick a prompt. I closed my eyes, scrolled up and down, moved my mouse all over the screen, and clicked a random spot.


After I opened my eyes and saw this prompt, I sat in my chair and stared into space. Do I have something that I carry around with me all the time? Do I have a good luck charm?

Back in the early 2000s (in my AF days), my mother sent me a beautiful necklace with a thoughtful letter attached. I wore it whenever I traveled or was deployed. It gave me a sense of peace. My rational side knew it was just a pretty necklace, but it made me feel safe for some unknown, unexplainable reason. Perhaps it was the intent behind the gift.

That was a long time ago. 2019 me doesn’t wear the same necklace every day, and I don’t carry anything special in my pocket—but worry not, friends, for the necklace is tucked away in a little keepsake box. 😉 I will never part with it.

 So I got to thinking. Is there something that I *do* carry with me at all times?


Does it have magic powers?

Not in the modern sense, but it is a powerful object. It contains the world at my fingertips, and I do not leave the house without it.

What is it?
 Though, I’m sure you have guessed by now, for you probably carry one too. 

My cellphone.

I can look up anything at a moment’s notice. When I’m away from home, I can communicate with my husband. I can order anything in the world. I can buy a plane, train, or bus ticket and go anywhere I’d like with just a few swipes of my thumb. It can direct me to the nearest coffee shop in the city, and it can hold a treasure trove of my drafts and scribbles.

It may not bring good luck in the supernatural sense of the word, but I sure as hell will have a bad time without it.

Inspiration Station

Happy Labor Day, everyone! I had to work, but that’s okay. They paid us extra. I can’t believe that it’s September already. I know this is cliche to say, but this year has flown by. I decided to challenge myself into writing one post per day (we shall see if I bit off more than I can chew…only September will tell).

I found a Post-A-Day prompt for September on Pinterest (there is much more to that site than food and Mrs. Cleaver’s favorite picks). Here is a link to the pin: Pin me!

Day 1: Post something that inspires you.

I thought a lot about this one and finally decided that works of fiction, whether they be books, television shows, or movies, are what inspire me the most. For those of you who follow my blog on a regular basis, you see how much fan art I draw! From Star Trek to Babylon 5 to Lord of the Rings, if I am fond of it in any way, shape, or form, I start drawing.

Writing is a little different, but I would by lying if I said I never wrote any fan fiction whatsoever. I used to live for that stuff. Creating tales that involved my favorite characters was how I discovered that I loved to write. Those early stories that teenager me wrote were…eh, well I said “teenager me,” so that should shed some light on quality! It’s the fond memories that count and the fact that those stories exercised my creativity.

It’s been ages since I’ve written any fan fiction, but that was my own decision. If you like writing it, let your inner muse fly and go for it!

~Here’s to hoping I stick to my September plan.

Party Like It’s Awkward

Sometimes you just need a good ‘ol prompt to get you going:
 “When you can’t be yourself” –Via @journalprompts

This is not a true story, but who hasn’t been the awkward outsider before? 

I play with the folds of my itchy dress. Why do social gatherings always involve uncomfortable clothing? I gaze at the others. I was coaxed into this. My friend had finally pushed my last button.
“It will be fun,” she had said. “It won’t matter if you don’t know anyone.” As I stand near the wall, hoping that some sort of four legged creature lives in this unfamiliar abode, I clear my throat and attempt to assume the Joe Cool position.

My friend had abandoned me for her coworkers. It seems gossip is the hot topic tonight, and she is hungry for it. I issue an unconcerned “cool” nod whenever someone walks past me. People I don’t know are mingling around the TV, the buffet, and the liquor. If only they had a cat or dog…You don’t need to pretend to be fitting in a sea of strangers when there is a pet to play with.

I watch a trio of men my age chat by the couch. They are talking about computers. I actually smile. Finally. Something I can talk about. I listen and wait for the perfect moment to approach them. Jokes are always great, aren’t they? I’ve got the perfect one in my head. It will fit right in with ports, male and female connectors, and cabling.
“What did the port say to the RJ-45 cable?” I ask, cocking a grin. The males eye me with an unsettling, wary hesitation. “Oh my!” I squeak. No! I missed the punch line! I clear my throat and try to smile, but they mumble excuses like needing to refill their drinks. I suddenly realize that I had not been Joe Cool leaning against the wall with a hearty swag.

I had been Socially Awkward Penguin with two left flappers the entire time.

I turn and survey the so called party. Would they notice if I slip out? I wonder. I don’t even know what I am doing there anymore. It’s all unnecessary suffering to me. I look over at my friend. Her sloppy movements and glass of whiskey tell me that she has forgotten all about me.

Yep. I’m out. I’ll sneak out the front door, and if anyone asks questions, I’ll just say I’m out for a smoke.