Tag: prime video

MLC’s Top 10 TMITHC Characters

With Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle finale dropping two months ago, I thought it would be fun to sit down and figure out who my favorite characters have been across all four seasons. It was not easy narrowing them down to just ten, but I somehow managed to do it.

Without further adieu, my top ten #HighCastle characters!

Honorable Mentions Admiral Inokuchi & the Crown Princess – I adored their practical, yet humane, approach to everything. 
Juliana – Her curiosity and determination to solve the mystery about the films and her sister’s death in Season 1 captivated me and forever turned me into a fan of the show. 

10. Joe Blake – One of my favorite scenes throughout the series is when Joe discovers his past. His gut wrenching reaction and how he eventually swore loyalty to his father made the character all the more interesting for me, so he has earned his place in my top ten!

9. Bell Mallory – She makes it onto my top ten because she went from a cold hardliner to a kind heroine offering peace to everyone who defected from the Reich and Wehrmacht. I can see myself in her shoes. I wish we could have seen more of her.

8. Helen Smith – I adore Helen. She had one of the most interesting character arcs in the series. She went from a loyal wife of the Reich (with all its ideals and obedience) to the ultimate betrayal of those values.

7. Rudolph Wagner – I will always love Wagner. He did terrible things in the name of the Reich, and unlike Smith, his guilt devoured him. When he came face to face with the man he grew to hate, his humanity took over, and rather than end Hitler, he ended himself to save his family.

6. Ed McCarthy – There is no way the sweet, innocent Ed is not going to be on this list! He was a welcome respite to all of the terror and horrors experienced in the Pacific States.

5. Robert Childan – Like Helen, he had one of the most intriguing arcs. I touched on this briefly on Twitter–he went from the selfish, greedy antiques dealer to sacrificing it all for his wife.

4. Frank Frink – He was my favorite character in Season 1. His story that season was the most relatable. You have this ordinary guy just trying to keep his head down and follow along, obeying his Japanese occupiers who, by no fault of his own, was thrown into tragedy and chaos. He could no longer be ‘that’ guy. His life was forever altered, and he had an understandable reaction to it. I was thrilled to see him go back to his Season 1 roots in Season 3.

3. Takeshi Kido – Kido is someone I’ve always loved to hate. He was such a bastard, but I couldn’t help but want to see more.

2. Nobusuke Tagomi – Let’s just say that if Tagomi ran for president, he’d have my vote. He was the ultimate bastion of peace, tranquility, yet held a firm hand when he needed to.

Speak softly and carry a big stick – Theodore Roosevelt

Coming in at #1, my ultimate favorite High Castle character (and possibly favorite character of all time)

1.  John Smith – Smith was unlike any character I’d ever seen, which is what drew me to the show after watching the first episode. He possessed such confidence, cunning, and ruthlessness, yet he was also a family man. He managed to climb the ranks of a dark, vile organization all the way to the top, unphased all the way up until the very end when he was forced to look at himself. I cannot stress enough how relieved I am that he did not get an inane redemption arc. His ending only made me like the character more.

It’s all in the Details.

As I am reading through Mike Avila’s The Man in the High Castle, Creating the Alt World, I am reminded why I was drawn to the show in the first place: It’s all in the details. I’m going to focus on Season 4 and the things that stood out the most (if I were to write about every little background prop, this would be a door stopper that I’d never finish!).

Battle of Denver

Accurate street names – when they mentioned Colfax ave., I was ecstatic at the attention to detail and taking the extra time to get it right.

On the left is a map from my trip to Denver back in February. Colfax Ave. is circled in red.

Winter Solstice

I was amazed at how much thought and research went into creating the alt worlds of High Castle, especially when they had to figure out how societies would evolve and what kind of holidays would they celebrate.

Himmler (the real Himmler) was big into paganism and incorporated it into the SS [1][2]. I wondered what a Reich Christmas would look like, and the creative team at High Castle did their homework. Circled on the lower left is a cutout of Odin, a prominent deity in Norse Mythology [3]. It appears as though he is a replacement for Santa Claus.

Circled in the upper left is a banner that reads, “Winter Solstice,” commonly referred to as Yule. For brevity’s sake, I’m going to quote Wikipedia on this:

Yule or Yuletide (“Yule time” or “Yule season”) is a festival historically observed by the Germanic peoples. Scholars have connected the original celebrations of Yule to the Wild Hunt, the god Odin, and the pagan Anglo-Saxon Mōdraniht.

The Twilight Zone

Whoever came up with this alternate spin on one of my favorite childhood TV shows deserves a fucking medal. It was pure genius, and I loved every second of it. The writers have stated time and time again that there are parallels between worlds, and this was one of them. Everything was true to the original show in our universe, right down to the music and narrator. It was such a creative twist using Abendsen as the host as a way to turn it into propaganda.

Realistic Technology

During the scene pictured below, the children are being eavesdropped on. When the camera pans to the device on the right, we can hear crackling and static. My immediate thought was there are at least two different factions listening in on them. When you have two different groups using radio to transmit or receive at the same time within close proximity to each other, there will be static and interference on both sides.

I was delighted when we later saw that the children were, in fact, being watched by the Resistance and Hoover and that the static wasn’t just there as a LOOK THEY ARE BEING SPIED ON attention grabber.

And can we just appreciate the alt world maps for a second? 

If anyone from @HighCastleTV is reading this, please reproduce this map and sell it! I would love to own one! I still want one of those promo radio sets they sent to random people a few years back…

What was your favorite little detail?


[1] Ideology of the SS: Attitude Toward Religion
[2] Further reading: Heinrich Himmler
[3] Further reading: Odin

Fan Castle Sundays: A TMITHC Fan Celebration

With November just over the horizon, Season 4 is inching closer and closer, which means that the end of the show will be here before we know it. I’ve met many wonderful people through TMITHC, fans just as dedicated as I am. I’ve made friends, I’ve laughed, and I’ve lamented over characters. I’ve even swapped things in the mail with friends across the pond!

Truth be told, I don’t know what I’m going to do after Season 4. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: TMITHC has been a huge part of my life for the past couple of years.

I look back at all mky Rufus Sewell drawings (ha, ha!), peg dolls, fake props, and Club High Castle and wonder what the hell am I going to do once it’s over?

The thing is, fandoms last forever. TMITHC will never fade so long as we keep it alive. I’m going to Keep watching, keep creating, and keep making friends, which is why I’m going to put some of the fans in the spotlight!

Join me this Sunday for the first ever #FanCastleSunday, a series of fan interviews! It’s a day to share your fanart, gifs, photo manips, memes, and more!

While we’re at it, can we bring back #ManCastleMondays?

Lee Shorten, High Castles Sgt. Yoshida

The End of the Worlds: High Castle at SDCC19

 “The ending is epic, it is conclusive, yet ambiguous, and delicately done.” – Daniel Percival *

They released a clip from the opening of Season 4, which you can watch here:

I’m going to paraphrase the quotes from the panel that intrigued me the most, and then I’ll dive right into my thoughts. Here’s the link to the recap video on the official @HighCastleAmazon Facebook page.

“At one point we see Helen at her happiest. We see the true Helen.” 

“As you know, Kido has a wife and two sons. We get to meet one of his sons briefly.” 

“Before the war she and her family were in segregated Alabama. After the Axis won, they were sent to a labor camp which became an extermination camp. She escapes and flees to the neutral zone.”

The official synopsis:

In the climactic final season, America will witness rebellion on both coasts as Juliana and Wyatt join forces with an emerging Black insurgency led by Bell Mallory. Takeshi Kido will be forced to reckon with the demons of his past, and John and Helen Smith’s lives will be forever changed after Smith steps through the Die Nebenwelt portal and travels the path not taken.

I’ll begin with saying that I have no idea what to expect. These aren’t exactly theories and are more like questions, hopes, and dreams. I mean, this is High Castle, after all!

Now that we know Smith steps through the portal, will he try to take a living Thomas? What world does he end up in? It can’t be “our” world because his other self is alive and well—blasting the Beach Boys. I have so many questions about that Smith. Is he a good guy? Or is the footage of him misleading? I can’t wait to see what the writers have come up with for him!

I hope Juliana finds another Joe in that world. The Joe in the nuclear war world knew, and he shot that world’s Juliana so that the one in the primary universe can traverse between as many worlds as possible. And this makes me wonder if more Joes know the stakes.

I hope we get to see the utopian world mentioned in the book. I hope some of our favorite characters end up there after everything they’ve suffered through.

That’s it for now! I am sure I’ll have more theories and questions as we get closer to November.

What are your hopes for Season 4?

* Paraphrase, but that’s the summery of what he said.

Vancouver Part 1

There is no way that this isn’t going to be a post about The Man in the High Castle 😉 I mean, they filmed in Vancouver! My work trips are busy, so I take every last free second I get. From waking up at the crack of dawn every morning to using the few precious free-hours the first day, I explore what I can.

Sunrise in Vancouver

I sat on my balcony that first morning and watched the sun rise over the harbor. It was such a wonderful moment of pure peace! The cool morning breeze was quiet as I looked across the water. I felt an air of introspection and absolute happiness. I can’t help but wonder if the cast & crew had ever watched the sunrise and if they felt the same way.

Before I left for this trip, I looked up High Castle filming locations and mapped out the one closest to where I was going to be, and thankfully, there was one was within walking distance.

It was awesome to see something in the show up close. I am so thankful for those precious few hours that first day!

Sunrise — Season 1: Episode 2
Smith’s headquarters building.

Screencaps of the scene where Smith and Klemm walk inside. 
As always, please read my disclaimer below. 

Please read!