Tag: post a day


Day 8 of my Post-A-Day challenge!

Day 8: Post about your weekend.
Well, I’m still under the weather and about as pleasant as a honey badger right now. I’m not exactly the warmest person when I don’t feel well! Other than being sick for the past two days (though, I am starting to feel better), I finished this:

The little George Washington was purchased separately. He was too cute to pass up! I think he makes an adorable addition to my Lego White House. Putting it all together was a nice break from the norm. Part of me wants to hook up a miniature light to it (look closely, and you can see a clear lego piece hanging above the porch).

Well, here is to tomorrow:  c[_]


Hopefully I’ll be back to my regular, happy self!

My Goals Involve No.

Day 7: Post your goals.
I’ll be honest. I am feeling under the weather. I haven’t felt this sick in a long time. The only goals I have right now involve not moving, getting up, or being productive. On that note, here is an astronaut in space!

Tonight will consist of Netflix, some sort of video game, and keeping tabs on football. I’m not a huge fan of being sick, and my mood right now is absolutely delightful! I’m glad yesterday’s prompt was…yesterday’s!

Mood: Happy

Day 6 of my Post-A-Day challenge!

Day 6: Post your mood.
Considering that I got two packages in the mail today (as well as having a Saturday off), I’d say that my mood is pretty good right now.

Every year on my birthday, I splurge and order myself a few presents online. It’s a personal tradition that I’ve picked up over the years. I think I started doing it because I hardly ever spent money on myself, and it was something fun, personal, and special: it was my little present(s) to myself.

The first picture is little George Washington. He’s going to go with my lego White House (he’s probably wondering when his lovely home will finally be ready…). The pictures below are of an awesome jacket from an anime I’ve recently gotten into.

Long live geekdom! (^‿^v)

The Jacket is from Attack on Titan. Netflix has the first season if you’re interested in watching it! *note* It gets violent, so it’s not for children.

I Don’t Have One

It is now Day 5 of my Post-A-Day challenge. If you want to catch up, scroll down until you see “Archives” on the right and click September.

Day 5: Post your favorite workout.

Does “I don’t have one” count as an answer? I’m not a couch potato, but I don’t have an official workout either.

I keep in shape by walking a lot. My job consists of a lot of moving around. That’s pretty much all the inspiration I have for today’s prompt. I can only stare at a blinking cursor for so long…

In other news, I’m slowly chipping away at another story. I don’t know if it will be a short story, a novel, or if it will fall somewhere in between yet. I’ve got the outline and characters all plotted out, and they even have their own handy-dandy map!

I’ll end this with a TGIF for those of you who work Monday – Friday.

~ Cheers!

I Love Cardboard

Day 4: Post a talent you have. 
 I found a Post-A-Day prompt for September on Pinterest (there is much more to that site than food and Mrs. Cleaver’s favorite picks). Here is a link to the pin: Pin me!

 Since it is obvious to anyone who visits my blog that I write and draw, I had to go digging for something else. I can’t sing (you do not want to hear it. It’s like a wailing cat or screeching eagle). I am an okay dancer, but it’s nothing to boast about. I don’t do magic tricks, so this left me in quite a pickle! 

Then I remembered that I used to build things out of cardboard. I haven’t done it in over a year, but it is something I’m good at. All of the cardboard creations you see in this post decorated my cubicle at my old job. I ended up giving them away to coworkers right before I left. I sometimes do wonder if they are still around.