Tag: post a day

Jumping the Fence

Day 22 of my Post-A-Day challenge. With all this news of people jumping the White House fence (let us not forget about the toddler who got through in August…*lol*), I wrote a silly blurb of a poem.

 Jumping the Fence

“I’d like to jump the fence,”
thoughts plea.
“You can’t jump the fence,”
wit decrees.
Only mad men jump the fence.
You see. 

….Well, mad men and toddlers to be precise. I don’t care how old that story is, I still find it hilarious. I do admit, that the thought of running across the lawn and lounging on the porch is rather tempting! Who hasn’t thought about it?

* Disclaimer *
I would never jump the fence.

A Pic Spam Sort of Post

Day 21 of my Post-A-Day challenge! I treated myself before I headed into work yesterday. I got a lot of writing in (the day started with a trip to one of the nearby coffee shops. I got myself a coffee and let my muse go crazy. I made a lot of progress on the story I’m working on).

Here is a pic-spam of the rest of my adventure:

Yep. You are seeing exactly what you think you see.

The mall was having a car show!

I got myself a shirt (I folded half of it so that you can get an idea of the back). The pony is a very early Christmas present for my niece. I will keep it with the doll I finished yesterday until it’s time to pack and mail!

Accessories to go with my Halloween costume. I hope it turns out as awesome as the image I have in my head!

Rainbows and Yarn

Day 20 of my post-a-day challenge! Well, it looks like I missed yesterday, but 18 out of 20 is still a good track record. Yesterday was spent playing video games, knitting, and cleaning (yuck to the cleaning). The year is 2014, where are these cleaning robots that sci-fi has promised us?

Rainbow Dash Doll

Here is what I finished yesterday. I may use buttons for the eyes because the eyes are the only part I’m not 100% satisfied with. It’s a Christmas present for my neice–yes, I realize Christmas is several months away, but I work in the services/retail industry, and it doesn’t matter if I work in a repair shop; the masses come. They come in droves. It’s an all hands on deck sort of deal.

In other words, come November, I won’t have time to make anything complicated….Time to ponder what I’m going to make/do for the rest of my family…*puts on thinking cap* Ouch!

Here’s to having a good weekend: c[_]

~ Cheers! 

Mission Complete

Day 18 of my post-a-day challenge! I finished the drawing I mentioned in Animate Me and My September Sunday. When I set myself to something, I tend be obsessive about completing it.

I am pleased with the results. I did a slight animated version and a normal version. Whether or not it can be passed for a screenshot or part of some sort of anime is up to the viewer!

Elly from The Year is Now
This scene is not in the book or anything. I just liked the idea of her holding some kind of magical (or super sci-fi sphere that glowed).
The animated version! It’s only sparkles, but I thought it looked neat.

Something New

Day 17 of my Post-A-Day challenge! Yes, I fully admit that I missed yesterday. I was exhausted and grumpy. Blogging, crankiness, and a severe case of wanting the ZZZs is more like no. That is to say, it does not make a nice combination!

Day 17: Post something new.
* my own prompt because I want to show off my new keyboard.

She is smooth, lovely, and her keys glow! I have to take a moment and morn my old keyboard. She was almost 10 years old, from an old XP machine (a Gateway). She lasted a long time, but finally bit the dust this morning. ~Picture not included because she looked her age…Half the letters on the keys had faded off!

I already love my new one. Next up will hopefully be a new drawing tablet. By next, I mean in several months. My tablet is even older than the ancient Gateway keyboard.

Here is to wishing you had a happy Hump Day and will have a great practice Friday tomorrow.

~ Cheers!