Tag: post a day

Post A Day Roundup!

Day 30, and this means my Post A Day challenge has finally come to an end. I did a lot better than I thought I would: 25 out of 30 posts! I’ve posted my thoughts, feelings, and rodeo roundup of the challenge.

It was certainly a challenge to post every day. I work a full time job, and when I get home, I’m not always wide eyed, bushy tailed, and full of creativity. There’s also the fact that I have other things I need to get done–that is not to say that I don’t like blogging! I do. I enjoy it!

Tripping Over Hurdles
The initial hurdle for me was to find things to write about. If you go back to the beginning of the month, you’ll see that I was using writing/blogging prompts. As the days went on, and the more I posted, I found that it was easier to come up with things on my own.

The second hurdle was actually posting every day.  When the creativity wasn’t there, I  had to fight the lazy urges within. On those days, I tended to post a lot of pictures and, in one case, videos. As I stated above, I missed five days. There is a strong correlation to exhaustion and not writing (at least for me). My blog and my characters do not want to meet an exhausted me. Trust me on this. *wink*

I felt terribly guilty for the days I missed…you can also trust me on that! 

Tick, Tick, Tock!
One of the things I noticed was that I neglected a few of my other nightly rituals in order to make sure I stuck to my guns about posting. My nightly rituals include drawing, creating photo manipulations in photoshop, and other stuff that I’m too lazy to think of and write on the spot like this. 😛 The two that were most effected were the two I just mentioned.

Want to see some of my photomanips? Here you go! They are all Babylon 5 related (naturally):

The Cliche “What Did I Learn?” Part
I love blogging, but I don’t want to do it every day (if I had a little bonsai tree that was a never ending source of blooming money so that I didn’t have to work, it would be different!).

I want to blog more often than I used to. My initial plan is to do it at least two or three times a week; that way I am posting a lot, but not to the point where I feel overworked and that my posts lack substance. …Not only that, but I missed doing my photomanips and random sketches.

Wasps, a Space Pic, and an Arnold Palmer

Day 28 of my Post A Day challenge! I was gone all day yesterday (literally), so I knew any attempts at blogging something interesting were futile. There was a ferocious wasp trying to fly through a glass window at the cafe I was writing at, but that’s about as exciting as my day got. Scratch that: I got four small canvases for the price of one and a free cookie. Now that makes three exciting things!

Taken by Apollo 8 crewmember Bill Anders on December 24, 1968
The awesome image (one of my favorites of all time, I might add) has nothing to do with yesterday or today. I just needed an image, and why not? 
Day 28: What are you drinking?
I’m drinking an Arnold Palmer (also known as “Half & Half”). And nope, it is not an alcoholic beverage. It’s iced tea and lemonade. That’s it. Next to coffee and water, this ranks next on my most frequently enjoyed beverages list.  

Costumes and Nyan Cat

Day 26 of my Post-A-Day challenge. I didn’t work on any Christmas gifts, but I did finish the accessories to my Attack on Titan Halloween costume.

It will be complete once the cloak comes in. There will be pictures, of course. I’m thrilled about this costume! Now I just need to ask my bosses to make sure I am scheduled to work that day, ha ha!

I didn’t do much other than that today. You  need a good lazy day every once in a while.

And for the actual prompt…
Day 26: Post something wacky.

 Nyan Cat
 Elders react to Nyan Cat

Rainy Days are Awesome

Day 25 of my Post-A-Day challenge! What do you do on your day off when it is constantly raining? If you’re me, you paint and draw. I must say that today was pretty awesome. It’s a shame the painting is a Christmas present because I am dying to share it! I went out of my comfort zone, and I’m really happy with it.

Yes, I am starting my Christmas gifts in September. As much as I loathe seeing Christmas decorations, I am making the gifts asap (the gifts themselves aren’t draped in reds, greens, Santas, or all things Christmas, so it’s okay!).

Major Pierson

This is the one thing I can show you. I’m going to do a digital version just as I did for Elly. Major Pierson is the other lead character, so it’s time he gets some of the spotlight. He is deep in thought. Poor guy. He inherited a mess!

I haven’t decided what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s a toss up between working on Christmas gifts or writing…but I will get plenty of writing in on Saturday before work (writing in cafes is prime real estate for my muse).

Get Your Hoodies Out!

Day 24 of my Post A Day challenge. Looks like I missed yesterday…Whoops! I was tired and cranky. I’ve noticed a trend when I’m exhausted and groggy: I don’t post. Each of the three days I missed were like that!

I had to go back to the prompt for today.
Day 24: post the weather.

I can’t find a picture that fits the current weather, so here’s a cat!
He was the neighborhood cat who hung out with us in GA. 

The temperatures are cooling down. I’ve been wearing a hoodie on the way to work and keeping it on for the first half hour. Sometimes I have to wear it when I get off, and sometimes I don’t! The leaves aren’t finished turning colors yet, but the trees are starting to be sprinkled in a few oranges, reds, and browns.

It is most certainly Pumpkin Spice Latte season. Call me cliche, but I love that damn drink. They even have a decaf version! I tend to be up all night if I drink anything with caffeine in it after 12:00 pm.

I am currently lounging in my favorite hoodie (my black 49ers one) and my PJs.

~ Cheers! c[_]