Day 30, and this means my Post A Day challenge has finally come to an end. I did a lot better than I thought I would: 25 out of 30 posts! I’ve posted my thoughts, feelings, and rodeo roundup of the challenge.
It was certainly a challenge to post every day. I work a full time job, and when I get home, I’m not always wide eyed, bushy tailed, and full of creativity. There’s also the fact that I have other things I need to get done–that is not to say that I don’t like blogging! I do. I enjoy it!
Tripping Over Hurdles
The initial hurdle for me was to find things to write about. If you go back to the beginning of the month, you’ll see that I was using writing/blogging prompts. As the days went on, and the more I posted, I found that it was easier to come up with things on my own.
The second hurdle was actually posting every day. When the creativity wasn’t there, I had to fight the lazy urges within. On those days, I tended to post a lot of pictures and, in one case, videos. As I stated above, I missed five days. There is a strong correlation to exhaustion and not writing (at least for me). My blog and my characters do not want to meet an exhausted me. Trust me on this. *wink*
I felt terribly guilty for the days I missed…you can also trust me on that!
Tick, Tick, Tock!
One of the things I noticed was that I neglected a few of my other nightly rituals in order to make sure I stuck to my guns about posting. My nightly rituals include drawing, creating photo manipulations in photoshop, and other stuff that I’m too lazy to think of and write on the spot like this. The two that were most effected were the two I just mentioned.
Want to see some of my photomanips? Here you go! They are all Babylon 5 related (naturally):
The Cliche “What Did I Learn?” Part
I love blogging, but I don’t want to do it every day (if I had a little bonsai tree that was a never ending source of blooming money so that I didn’t have to work, it would be different!).
I want to blog more often than I used to. My initial plan is to do it at least two or three times a week; that way I am posting a lot, but not to the point where I feel overworked and that my posts lack substance. …Not only that, but I missed doing my photomanips and random sketches.