Tag: pluto

Selfies on Mars. What’s Next, Pluto?

I’ve watched a lot of NASA and space exploration centric films lately (Apollo 13, Interstellar, and The Martian).

Original photo courtesy of Curiosity, the Mars rover

 Like every other person who probably saw The Martian, I immediately went to NASA’s website (well…I go there every day anyway to check out New Horizons, so this really isn’t altering my Internet habits any) and flooded myself with images of Mars and selfie obsessed robots.

Photo courtesy of NASA. 
Find all the images of Pluto you want here!

We live in an exciting era. We are on what I hope is a brink of a new age for humanity. I mean, we sent New Horizons to Pluto, and there is talk of a manned mission to Mars. Right now the possibilities of what we may discover are endless. I just hope we don’t mess it up before we can even cross the bridge of a new age…We humans tend to be greedy and warlike.

Until we know every last inch of our solar system and have sent a person to every viable planet, I will be daydreaming my own futuristic societies and writing science fiction. Until then, I will also devour every decent sci-fi book I can get my hands on!

If you could go to any planet, which one would it be?
My answer is obvious: Pluto!

In other news, I’ve finally gotten myself a smartphone. Yes, ladies and gents, I am just now jumping into the 21st century as far as telecommunications is concerned. A combination of my hard-headed defiance, “They are too big!” and realistic “I don’t have the money.” were the factors in my tardiness for joining the rest of the world.

Shocking! Space and Buzz Aldrin on the moon? I surprise myself. 

Mission: Pluto Station

Hello, hello, everyone! I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve written a post in here. I hope you are all enjoying you summers so far.

Original photo is courtesy of NASA
Tomorrow marks NASA’s first ever flyby of Major Pierson’s favorite rock in the universe. I am super excited about this because Pluto plays a huge role in The Year is Now! I spent a lot of time researching it before I even created the empire’s Atlas V project and Pluto Station.
To see all of NASA’s latest pictures from New Horizons of Pluto, Charon, and that part of our solar system brings me goosebumps! If you’ve been following me on Twitter and Facebook, you’re already in the loop.
It just so happens that I have tomorrow off. I feel like I’m in an episode of Fortune Favors the Writer. I get to see how close my imagination was to the real thing (along with research done by astronomers up to this point). And for burps and giggles, I wonder if they’ll discover any anomalies.
You can follow NASA’s mission here: New Horizons
As for me, I’ve been busy with work and the mundane adulting stuff of real life. I’m hoping I’m in for a not-busy, yet creatively productive spell next. This seems to come and go in waves. 
Here’s to wishing you a smooth Monday.