Tag: pictures

Adventures in Meme Hunting

Today’s hunt involves the survey/prompt meme, not the picture with words on it variety (I happen to love both meanings of the popular Interwebz word).

…by which he means votes and cheeseburgers. 

I took my favorite prompts from every source I could find and compiled this meme!

Picture Me This:

1. Something you love
2. Black and white
3. Currently reading

4. Three things

5. Something random

6. A brand
7. Your childhood

8. Something orange

9. Something new

General Update

The past few weeks have been busy, busy, and more busy! It’s okay because I flew down to GA for a wedding and had a little mini vacation. It feels good to recharge after having Busy Bee Syndrome.  Today’s post is going to be a fun pic spam post!

I don’t have a profound quote about flying or airplanes and how far we’ve come in the past 100 years.
I just think that the entire thing is awesome.

Captain Lazy Pants reporting for duty!

Georgia, you did not disappoint me. 
You had one hell of a thunderstorm Friday night!

Wedding fan. 
I thought these were cool. 😉

Heading home! 
The view was pneumatic. 

I got home early enough to enjoy a nice lunch and to go to one of the nearby stores. I finally got myself a frame for one of my Elly cards.

April Photos, Bring May…A Rhyme

I challenged myself to take a picture a day during the month of April. I only missed one day! I posted some of the pictures on here. If you want to see them all, check out The Command Deck’s facebook page!

I have some Q&A about the contest, but first, let me take a selfie:

Business cards and some glossy prints of my main character!


Cover Launch Contest Q&A

Can I bake something?
Yes! You can bake a cake, cupcakes, cookies–you name it! Just make sure you decorate it, color it, or somehow tie it to the quote. Take a picture of your work, and send it in!

I can’t see the email address. Did I miss it?
Here you go!

Photos From April


Morning coffee time, and look what’s parked outside the little grocery store!

No scooter riding!

Rain, rain, rain…


Since I’ve had a lot of text heavy posts lately, I’ve decided to mix it up a little bit by doing a picture post–a postagram! I gathered a few random pictures from here and there. The only thing these images have in coming is that they are over 10 years old.

Woody – She belonged to my step dad and was the first car I drove around town. Half the radio stations didn’t work, but she will always have a soft spot in my heart. I’m not sure if I want to reveal this picture’s age…
Tech School – I was studying hard for a test! Think of it as a boarding school for adults, but add the entire military thing.

The Ziggurat – Located in the ancient city of Ur (modern day Iraq).

Me standing at the steps.

This is believed to be the house of Abraham. The local government was working on restoring it at the time. I wonder what it looks like now because this picture is 10 years old.

Cricket – The best cat in the universe (R.I.P.). He was a childhood pet and was at least 20 when he died in 2009 (no joke!).