Tag: peg dolls

Eclipse Mania!

Who got to enjoy the Great American Eclipse of 2017 yesterday?

I didn’t live in an area of totality, but we got a good 80 percent coverage, and it was awesome. It looked like a crescent moon when it was at its max. I felt the air get slightly cooler and dimmer, which was neat. It was an Instagram filter sort of dim. I can only imagine what my relatives in states with totality saw!

Here are some pics I snapped. You can see prism eclipse reflections in some of them. Look between the trees, and look in the pink area (yes, I was wearing eclipse glasses as you can see in a rare photo of yours truly!).


Doll yourself up with one of my peg dolls! I am now offering customized peg dolls!

Visit www.mlcrabb.com/pegdolls.html for more details.

Hashtag Update

I am happy to say that I’ve completed Sisters! *Sheds a tear* This story has been near and dear to my heart ever since I started writing it. And now comes the hard part…


Let’s just say that I have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to editing pages and pages of writing.  I’m pacing myself and doing it in increments, but the draw back to doing it in increments is time. If I let more than a week go by without cracking it open for an edit, I forget what’s going on (life has a funny way of shoving itself past your hobbies).

Here’s to chugging through the first round of revisions!

And because I can’t do a blog post without mentioning the Man in the High Castle…clever transition of topic because yeah!

I’ve migrated everything downstairs to my Project Grasshopper shelf. ♥ I’ve hung the alternate reality NYC painting I did (finally!) above it and started a sister painting for the Pacific States!

There are a few things I want to tweak and add to the shelf (especially for the Pacific States. Their poor section is completely bare even though they have a million dolls ♥ ). The Reich section is the exact opposite; they have the Smiths and Joe dolls, but they’ve got a lot of stuff.

I plan to paint a few more Reich dolls and get/make some Pacific-Japanese themed items in the near future.

As always follow me on Twitter and Instagram for my latest Sisters and High Castle stuff!

Sisters Progress Update

I finished writing the first half of Sisters! Parts Zero (Innocence) and One (Survival) are done. Now comes the most difficult part of their lives yet.

Part Two’s theme is destiny. Allegiances are made and loyalties are tested. I am looking forward to powering through this section. If Innocence and Survival gave me FEELS, I can only imagine how Destiny is going to be! 
A window into their world
This is what their nightstands would look like in real life (click to view full size)
Here is a closer look at my Kathy and Ann peg dolls