Tag: paint

Rainy Days are Awesome

Day 25 of my Post-A-Day challenge! What do you do on your day off when it is constantly raining? If you’re me, you paint and draw. I must say that today was pretty awesome. It’s a shame the painting is a Christmas present because I am dying to share it! I went out of my comfort zone, and I’m really happy with it.

Yes, I am starting my Christmas gifts in September. As much as I loathe seeing Christmas decorations, I am making the gifts asap (the gifts themselves aren’t draped in reds, greens, Santas, or all things Christmas, so it’s okay!).

Major Pierson

This is the one thing I can show you. I’m going to do a digital version just as I did for Elly. Major Pierson is the other lead character, so it’s time he gets some of the spotlight. He is deep in thought. Poor guy. He inherited a mess!

I haven’t decided what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s a toss up between working on Christmas gifts or writing…but I will get plenty of writing in on Saturday before work (writing in cafes is prime real estate for my muse).

First Project of 2012

I couldn’t help myself and painted a “me” peg doll since I love the show, Babylon 5, so much and created a lot of art (not to mention stories) related to it.

Here she is! The unpainted doll beside her is going to be Londo.

I, Me – Wooden peg doll. It comes to no surprise that she is a Psi Corps telepath…

Return to Tomorrow: November, Part I

With the upcoming holidays, I’ve been a very busy artist! This update is going to come in two parts (I will post Part II next weekend). November has always been a creative month for me. There is value in the rush to find (or in my case, create) the perfect gift!

On a sad note, my computer is starting to show its age. I’ve tried everything short of reformatting the hard drive and doing a complete reinstall of the OS. I can do simple functions, but using programs like photoshop is a nightmare! I haven’t been able to do any digital pieces since then and have had to simplify my photo editing.

I hope to have this issue resolved sometime next month. In the meantime, I am happily working on some traditional art pieces and knitting projects.

Unrelated News:
I updated the Gallery, FAQ, Needles and Pins, and How to Order sections.

I, Talia – Previewed in last month’s update!

Inspired by Babylon 5!

Pepper – Acrylic on canvas
My friend adored him, and it made all the work I put into it worth it! He was also previewed in last month’s post.

I, Marcus – Wooden peg doll

Inspired by Babylon 5!

Snowman – A knitting project

Little Beach – Watercolor (I did not make the frame)

Baby Doll – Knitting project

I, Wooden Peg.

I’ve spent the past two Sunday afternoons working on what is now becoming a Sunday afternoon tradition for me. Who needs to buy miniature dolls when you can paint them yourself? Pick the fandom, and presto!

I, Bester – Full version

I, Ivanova – Full version

Return to Tomorrow: June

Looks like I put my foot in my mouth with that last post and the mention of a certain word, but have no fear, I pulled through. I was able to sneak something in. It was inspired by the stories of H.P. Lovecraft. Don’t know who Lovecraft is or what he wrote? Do have a click: H.P. Lovecraft – Wikipedia. He is my favorite author of all time.

“Fish Girl”
10in x 10in | Acrylic on canvas