Tag: News

The End of the Worlds

My favorite show, Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle is coming to an end this fall. The announcement and teaser trailer dropped when I was away on a work trip (in case you missed me!).

I haven’t gotten a chance to fully process the fact that Season 4 will be the last of the show that I love and have dedicated a considerable amount of my time and energy to—I wouldn’t trade all of the High Castle things I’ve created for the world! It’s been a huge part of my life ever since I saw Season 1 in 2016.

The melancholy mood of this sketch says it all! 

I honestly don’t know what I’ll do after Season 4. As I said, High Castle has been a huge part of my life for the past three years. It is a bittersweet feeling for me. While I’m glad they aren’t dragging it out, I am sad to see my beloved characters go. I wasn’t quite ready for that announcement yet.

As I sit here thinking about all the wonderful friends I’ve made through the show, I smile, so I’ll end this by saying that I want to give the cast and crew a proper thank you for everything.


High Castle is Coming to SDCC!

I have been a bad blogger as of late! My apologies for the lapse in posts. Part of it is due to no news on the High Castle front (but that just changed!) and the fact that I haven’t finished my WWII era wall yet. Shame on me! 😉

Let’s dive right into the exciting High Castle stuff! After months of silence, we finally have a whisper of news! I was beginning to think that we might not get a Season 3.

There will be a High Castle panel at San Diego Comic Con with Alexa Davalos, Rufus Sewell, Jason O’Mara, and Stephen Root!

Panel info:
Saturday, 21 July
4:15 to 5:15
Room 6A

Rumor has it that Amazon will drop a trailer, but don’t quote me on it. I can only hope. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us. There are bound to be some good Season 3 hints and maybe a release date. I look forward to watching the panel online (and of course, coming up with my own theories based on what they say).

And so, I leave you with my latest High Castle drawing:

News Flash: It’s a Cup

I promised myself I’d never post about anything controversial on here, but…It’s a cup.

I work hard to make sure I’ve got the necessities and plus a few extras. There are important things in life worthy of getting upset about, and then there are the petty annoyances like customers behaving badly and chilly rainy days deserving of a complaint here and there. I got home the other day to find the Internet in an uproar over the color of a cup. A CUP!

Is this what we’ve become? A nation who whines and loses it’s marbles over a cup?

For those who are wondering what the heck am I talking about, Starbucks recently released its special holiday cups. Instead of the regular festive designs, they opted for a minimalist approach.

Photo courtesy of Starbucks
Look at those evil cups. They’re up to no good in their plain red dye! The nerve of them. They are the battalion commanders in the War Against Christmas. The ironic thing is that Starbucks still sells its Christmas blend coffee beans as Christmas Blend. 
Elly, Jadelynn, and Major Pierson are all enjoying a hot beverage right now (well, Pierson is stuck on Pluto, so he doesn’t get to dip into the daring blue Yule cup the empire released for the holidays).  Elly and Jadelynn are staring at their bold blue cups. The only controversy there is the fact that they want more! 

Return to Tomorrow: May

I’ve been busy, but in the good sense of the word! Now…let me just rub a rabbit’s foot, throw some salt over my shoulder, cross my fingers, pinch-poke-you-owe-me-a-Coke, and stop a black cat from crossing my path, because every time I mention the word busy, the unwanted type of busy throws itself my way, and I seem to jinx myself even though I don’t believe in silly things like that…Or do I?

Here are some snapshots of this elusive, good sort of busy:

Books read:
Get ready….Start the drum roll, please!

5/3 – Yep, that’s right! I surpassed my goal. My New Years resolution did exactly what I wanted it to. I’ve made a goodreads account to help me stay this way. You can follow my profile here: Goodreads!

Other News:
I’ve made some improvements to the right panel and tweaked the links a little bit.