Tag: new years resolutions

Welcome to 2021!

I updated the look of a few things and hid some Easter eggs in Club High Castle for everyone 😉 Expect more Easter eggs and things in the future! http://blog.mlcartthings.me/ #HighCastle
Originally tweeted by Ms. Luna (@MishiWan) on January 1, 2021.

Let’s dive right in, shall we? My one goal for 2020 was to start writing again, and considering I could barely force a sentence out between 2018 and 2019, mission accomplished. It took me a few months to write more than just a few words, but I did it! Next step is to actually finish a novel. 

2021 goals

Drawing – 2020 put a damper on my art. Ask me one year ago today how I thought 2020 would go, and COVID-19 was not it. I made 90 posts on Instagram (which means roughly 90 pieces of art) compared to over 200 in 2019. It’s time to change that.

I have some awesome ideas for this year! Grasshoppers, keep your eyes peeled because I have AN EPIC HIGH CASTLE project in the works. 

Work Out – Hear me out! Don’t roll your eyes just yet! I’ll have you know that this is the first time I’ve ever listed this as a goal. I’m not going to kid myself with this one because there is a slim chance I’ll do it, but I want to at least try. Little did I realize that I got 90% of my physical activity done at work …and I type this as I feel like I’m coming down with a cold (physical activity is the last thing I want to do right now). 

WWII French Resistance –  I’ve wanted to get into reenacting for some time, and a friend on Instagram suggested I do the French resistance. This idea is PERFECT for me. It leaves a lot of room for creativity and ingenuity, and besides, I might do a few in a certain, alt world 😉

Homemade armband! More to come.

Finish Alice (or Metropolis) – Now that I’ve finally been able to crack open my creative mind again, I want to finish something. However, writing a story in recent years has become a trip through a proverbial minefield, lest someone rake you through the coals for an excerpt taken out of context (that was part of my problem in 2018 and 2019). You can write all the disclaimers in the world, but it can still happen (and why do we even have to write them now? It used to be a given: Bad things happen in fiction, and we know the author obviously doesn’t support them.). As long as I put that out of my mind, the creativity will flow.

Excerpt from Alice and a New Decade

With a new decade upon us in just a few days, I am going to throw myself in the the cliche tradition of coming up with New Year resolutions. Worry not, dear friends, these aren’t your run of the mill, generic, go to the gym every single day and stop going after a week or start eating stuff I hate to go on a diet and fail because gross who wants to eat crap they don’t like?

I want to start writing again.

That’s it. That’s my resolution.

I haven’t written much at all since 2018 and it’s high time I got back  into it. I’ve got a novel planned and outlined that hasn’t been finished since…you guessed it, 2018!

Here is the first chapter, and let me raise a glass to everyone; may the 20s be roaring.

2011 in Review

A look at my 2011 resolutions! I’m listing my old resolutions and spilling the beans on if I actually accomplished them or not.

Read at least 3 books

Try 8 books! This resolution was made out of a 6 month period in 2010 when I read nothing, and that scared me. I wanted to get back into reading, and this resolution did exactly what it was supposed to do! Here are the books I read:

The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester
The Watchers Out of Time by HP Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story by Richard Preston
Buck Alice and the Actor Robot by Walter Koenig
Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

Do one art project per month

Woot! I’ve been tracking this one each month on this blog, so this is a given! I made a collage to show my progression for 2011

Favorite book read in 2011
Buck Alice and the Actor Robot by Walter Koenig

2011 picture I am most happy with

Runner up

2011 was a good year for art. My main resolution kept me on task, and as a result, I improved on areas that I didn’t think were possible! It enabled me to play with other types of art (knitting, sewing, and painting peg dolls).

Here’s to hoping for a wonderful 2012!

Return to Tomorrow: December

Thus concludes my New Years resolution to create at least one piece of artwork a month. I’m happy to say that I’ve been able to accomplish it. It’s helped me keep my motivation going, and as a result, I’ve greatly improved on some areas that I’ve been wanting to improve on.

I am going to do a “Year in Review” post sometime within the next few days, so keep your eyes open for it!

Kurt + Blaine – Colored pencil on paper.
This was done as part of a gift exchange on a site I frequently visit. This was what the person I got wanted. The characters are from the tv show, Glee.

Ode to the Steelers – A gift for a relative! Colored pencil on paper

I’m a Fish! – Another gift! Colored pencil on paper

Mishi Whiskers – Colored pencil on paper.
I did this as an experiment. I wanted to see if I could emulate a Disney style, yet keep it true to my personal style. I’ve never drawn an animal person before. It was pretty fun, and I’m happy with how it turned out.

Picture Preview:

A background that I’m going to use for a digital drawing. It’s going to be a complicated piece, so I can’t promise that I will finish it next month. There are still some aspects of the character sketches (not shown here) I need to fix before I start “digitizing” it.

Return to Tomorrow: February

I am glad February is finally over! To say that this month has been stressful, would be a severe understatement. Well, it’s onto month number three, March. Here’s to hoping that it turns out to be a great month!

So far, my New Years resolutions are holding up. A look at February’s projects:

Tensor, said the Tensor – posted on the 15th

“Life Tree”
9 in x 12 in || 1.5 hours || pencil

This was done for a friend at work. My cameras did not want to take pictures of this for some reason and kept running out of batteries. I kid thee not! I was lucky that this picture made it into my old camera before the batteries went out!

I’m happy to say that my coworker loved it! It always feels good to know that someone enjoys your art!

Books read in 2011: 1/3
I’m currently working my way through The Watchers Out of Time by H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth (it’s a collection of short stories).