Tag: nano

National Novel Writing Month

I feel like the timing of this is all too convenient!

Sisters is officially a GO! 

I’ve written the first three chapters to get the setting down and a feel for the characters. Once I did that, I paused to create an outline for the rest of the novel.

It just so happens that we’re a few days shy of November (well, at the time I’m writing this, anyway). I couldn’t ask for better timing!

Hello, NaNoWriMo! It’s been a long time. I’ve got a novel brewing for you that I’m all too excited to start. It’s going to be made of feels. Such feels.

For those who aren’t familiar with NaNoWriMo, they challenge writers to write 50K words in one month (the month of November).

If you love to write, take the NaNo challenge! See if you can hit 50K. You can sign up at nanowrimo.org/

I’ll be posting about my progress. Just look out for #Sisters422.

I know NaNoWriMo suggests that you just write, write, write, and ignore grammar, but I’m not going to do that this year. Going back to edit something like that is:



That’s right, ladies and gents, I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year! I have an idea, my mind is obsessed with it, and it just so happens to be November, so why not?

Graphic is from NaNoWriMo’s website, nanowrimo.org. 

For those of you who don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it is one of those witty November traditions (like No-Shave-November) that is quickly becoming a Thing. The goal is to write 50,000 words during the month of November. You “win” NaNo by completing the task.

Let me fill you in on a fun little secret: The Year is Now started out as a NaNoWriMo project. I “won” NaNo in 2012 with it and revised the living daylights out of it until it became the book that it is today. I remember being obsessed with the same fervor that I have today!

I decided to have as much fun with this year’s project as possible. The holiday insanity is just around the corner, so I might as well enjoy every single day before Black Thursday Black Friday. I made a mock up cover with the current working title of the project. And yes, it’s fantasy. I’m skipping the kiddie pool and diving into the deep end!

The cover is surprisingly effective. Every time I log into NaNo’s website, it’s there to inspire me to move forward. If you are doing NaNo, I highly recommend creating a mock up cover. It doesn’t have to be the next best thing to sliced bread, just something to make you smile.

Are you doing NaNo this year? Feel free to add me as a Writing Buddy. I will add you back. I am RlyehDreams. I’ve been tweeting about my progress on twitter, @MishiWan