Day 12 of my Post-A-Day challenge!
Day 12: Post your mood.
Looks like a repeat prompt.
Current mood:
When I’m tired, my imagination disappears. The blinking cursor agrees with me. I’ll leave you with a pirate violinist. She is clearly not tired.
The musings of a dedicated grasshopper
Day 6 of my Post-A-Day challenge!
Day 6: Post your mood.
Considering that I got two packages in the mail today (as well as having a Saturday off), I’d say that my mood is pretty good right now.
Every year on my birthday, I splurge and order myself a few presents online. It’s a personal tradition that I’ve picked up over the years. I think I started doing it because I hardly ever spent money on myself, and it was something fun, personal, and special: it was my little present(s) to myself.
The first picture is little George Washington. He’s going to go with my lego White House (he’s probably wondering when his lovely home will finally be ready…). The pictures below are of an awesome jacket from an anime I’ve recently gotten into.
Long live geekdom! (^‿^v)
The Jacket is from Attack on Titan. Netflix has the first season if you’re interested in watching it! *note* It gets violent, so it’s not for children.