Tag: mad max

Mad Max: Love and Thunder

It’s time for another fun filled adventure with Seriously Geeky Sundays! This time we are heading done under for a look at Australia!

24th January – Around the World in 8 Sundays [Australia]

The 26th January is Australia Day, the national day of Australia which marks the anniversary of the first fleet of British ships to land at Sydney Cove in 1788. Despite being a national day, it does reflect a controversial point of history and is also referred to as Invasion Day. I recommend learning more about it here.

I’ve chosen this day for this month’s Around the World in 8 Sundays topic because history isn’t simple. It is controversial, and contemporary celebrations for Australia Day have worked to encompass every aspect of Australian culture. This seemed the ideal way to introduce a discussion about the pop culture of the continent of Australia.

What is your favourite fandom set in Australia?

Mad Max: Fury Road is one of my all time favorite movies. I wrote a review which goes into detail: All Shiny and Chrome

Who is your favourite character from the continent of Australia?

Imperator Furiosa – She was jam packed with badassery, not to mention she was a great heroine! I am so glad they didn’t throw her into a pointless love plot (one of the MANY reasons I love that movie!).

Do you have any favourite authors/entertainers/celebrities from this continent?

Chris Hemsworth – The one and only THOR. On the topic of Thor, here’s my ranking of Thor movies (not Avengers):

  1. Thor
  2. Thor: Ragnarok
  3. Thor: The Dark World

If things ever get back to normal, I want to see Thor: Love and Thunder.

Thinking of Australia’s diverse history, which part would you like to see featured in a fandom?

I’d like to see (or read) something that covers the era leading up to British colonization.

Although there is a thriving Australian and New Zealand entertainment industry very few productions are picked up outside this continent. What are your thoughts on this?

I haven’t seen enough Australian shows to provide an educated answer for this. Would I like to see more movies? Hell yes. For starters, you’ve got the Lord of the Rings Trilogy filmed in New Zealand, and not to mention Mad Max!

You’ve been given a chance to set a scene for a fandom of your choice in Australia; do you pick the outback or an urban location?

I am going to be super cliche and pick the outback, ha ha! This is dreaming, but I’d like to see an episode of Babylon 5 set in the outback where Alfred Bester is tracking a powerful rogue telepath.

And can we get a Mad Max/Thor crossover set in the Outback? Because I’d totally pay to see that!

All Shiny and Chrome

I didn’t think it was possible for a movie to completely blow me away and douse me in its flames of awesomeness, but one film recently let me bask in its glory.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Figure A

This one is worth going to the movie theater for. Trust me on this. The stunts, accidents, and flames were all real, as were the unique post-apocalyptic cars themselves. You cannot go wrong with an armada of aggressive cars, all shiny and chrome, especially if you have your own Drum & Metal Corps (please see Figure A and the flame shooting guitar).

The movie doesn’t have a lot of dialogue, but the action sequences are works of art awesome. There isn’t any pointless romance, though there is a budding relationship between two characters. It’s played out in a way that doesn’t pigeonhole any characters for the sake of a “lame” romance. It fits with the flow and story. The two characters involved are not the main characters. I liked how the writers left the main two characters alone in that regard.

The villain’s (Immortan Joe) costume and make-up was amazing….everything in Mad Max: Fury Road was amazing!

I give it infinity flame throwing guitars. This is my highest ever rating!

Glory, Pride, and the Maiden Vain

I hope you enjoyed the first little bit of it! There is more to come!

You are always free to let me know what you think by shooting me an email or sending a comment through the form on the left!

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