Tag: lucius malfoy

Sketches, Maps, and News, Oh My!

I hope everyone is having a happy Memorial Day. Let us not forget the true meaning of the day as we enjoy good food and good company. Visit Wikipedia for more info: Memorial Day.

Between working on my what feels like dozens of writing projects and work, I’ve managed to squeeze some time to get some fun sketches in!

From left to right/top to bottom:
Lucius Malfoy – What would the wizarding world think of the illustrious wizard if they found out he is addicted to taking selfies on Muggle devices!?
Luthandra – An original character you’ll get to meet, but more on that later!
Deanna Troi – Uh oh. Looks like someone was forced to write her own moment of shame!
Lord Kaldor – An original character you’ll get to meet, but more on that later!

Click the map to view a larger size!

Call it later because it’s about ten seconds after I typed that. This map is a sneak peak at a surprise I have in store for you all! I haven’t forgotten about my Omg!Orcs project…There are many tales to be told in that same world. Keep your eyes peeled for more!

Awesome News!
Stars or Stripes is now available on the iBookstore

That’s right! Set your phones and tablets on tap, and get ready! Just follow the big, giant iBookstore box from my lulu page: Stars or Stripes And remember: It’s FREE!

In case you missed the Stars or Stripes character shorts I posted here, I’ve pasted the links below:
Careful With That Selfie!
Goodbye, Hashtag Glitter Nation

Weekly Roundup: Set Your Hashtags to Fabulous!

Happy Presidents’ Day!

I’d like to say that “OMGZ I GOT SO MUCH DONE ON OMG!ORCS!” in a super exciting font, but I didn’t. I have a hard time with the entire balancing work + hobbies thing. I should put on a giant t-shirt that says, “HOW DO I ADULT?” Said shirt would have a cat on it, of course. A bad case of insomnia didn’t help matters either.

An Awesome Discovery

What do you get when you hashtag FAILZ and can’t sleep? Discover shows on Netflix. I hate to say it, but I only had enough brain power for TV and graphic making.

I found an awesome anime, Sword Art Online. If you play MMOs and like sword fights, badass costumes, and fantasy, I highly recommend it!

A Proclamation of Goal Setting
Omg!Orcs deserves only the best
I hereby force myself to come up with a routine that will allow me to write, revise, and draw. There has to be a way to beat the after work brain shutdown (AWBS). I miss my Omg!Orcs characters! Even their shenanigans and tropes can’t defeat the AWBS right now!

V-Day Contest Winner!
*Drum roll*

Thank you for entering, D! 
You will get an email as soon as I finish this post.

Those Graphics I Mentioned
Set your hashtags to fabulous ~