Tag: lord of the rings

Weekly Roundup: All the Reasons Why Elrond is Awesome

~ Your number one source of Empire News!

Elrond takes a selfie at Club Silmaril

This week’s roundup is dedicated to the awesomeness that is Elrond. He is one of the most underrated characters in all things popular right now.

Why is he so awesome? For starters, he is one badass elf. He managed to create the great elven refuge, Rivendell, and successfully lead it (warding off any attacks and keeping the general populace content) for thousands of years.

He is keeper of one of the three elven rings of power (the only three rings that The One Ring cannot control) and is a card carrying member of the powerful White Council. I am just itching to see The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies because Elrond and the White Council kick some major Necromancer butt. I cannot wait to see him as a warrior in the limelight! And yes, I am always late to the movie party…

“Elrond: Son of Earendil and Elwing, who at the end of the First Age chose to belong to the Firstborn, and remained in Middle-earth until the end of the Third Age; master of Imladris (Rivendell) and keeper of Vilya, the Ring of Air, which he had received from Gil-galad. Called Master Elrond and Elrond Half-elven. The name means ‘Star-dome’.”
–The Silmarillion, JRR Tolkien

Despite his power and prowess as a respected warrior, Elrond was kind hearted. Rivendell was a refuge, after all, and he treated his guests with honor.

“He was as noble and as fair in face as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves and as kind as summer.”
–The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien

So what if he’s a little grumpy, he is awesome.

He didn’t exactly appreciate his selfie being uploaded. He especially didn’t appreciate the cute chibi drawing. 😉

Weekly Roundup – Free thinkers, action figures, and Voldemort

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

 ~ As soon as I get home from work, I’m sleeping.

I did it! I managed to write 50,000 words before Thanksgiving. I waded my way through Time’s defensive line and snagged myself a touchdown on Tuesday! It’s been a crazy ride, and I had a blast tweeting about it on Twitter. I haven’t finished the story yet, and I plan to do NaNoWriMo’s validation step later on this month.

This week in…
I went ahead and bought myself a preemptive Christmas present.

I can never pass up a good deal on action figures, especially on ones that I’ve been pining after for what feels like ages! The flash drowns out Thranduil, making him seem dull, but the details in him are nice. They did a fantastic job. Oh, and he *is* wearing pants underneath that.

Next we have Elrond. I was blown away with the amount of detail in this action figure. Every last millimeter of him is etched with intricate elements. As for pants…I have no idea. The package arrived yesterday, and it was dark by the time I got home! It was dark by the I got home today as well. They are either white, or he is a freer thinker than we are led to believe.

Currently Reading
More like currently writing! I probably won’t read anything this month. I haven’t touched the poor book I borrowed from the library last week. I may end up returning it and borrowing it again in a few months.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:
I’m not feeling particularly political tonight. I would like a chair with a built in heater though.

 Video of the Week
 For you fellow Harry Potter fans out there:

Keep Your Eyes Peeled!
I’m doing my own week long Black Friday sale! Check back this Sunday evening!

Weekly Roundup: 17 – 24 October

~A quick recap of things around the Empire Earth over the past week.

This week in…
Things I Find Newsworthy

I missed the partial solar eclipse on Thursday. In my defense it was raining. I came home to a lot of awesome pictures on Twitter–everything from professional photographs by astronomers to snapshots of pinhole projections. Want to see some awesome pictures of it? Let me press the magical Ctrl V keys: Gallery: The Partial Solar Eclipse of October 2014

 …And then there is the tale of yet another white house fence jumper. The number of these is starting to edge away from comical to ruining-it-for-the-rest-of-us. This particular jumper kicked and punched a Secret Service dog. I’m sorry, but that is Grade-A douche baggery right there. The dog is fine if anyone would like to know! I wonder if the dog and his K9 partner get special treats for taking this guy down. You can read more about the incident here: Meet The Hero Dogs Of The Secret Service.

Images posted by the official Secret Service twitter: @SecretService

I’ve been noticing a huge increase in leaked pictures from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies lately. I have no complaints whatsoever. I loved Peter Jackson’s Lord of The Rings trilogy and the first two installments of The Hobbit trilogy. I look forward to seeing Elrond, Thranduil, and the others kicking some you-know-what. …I’m also excited to see what new action figures will be coming out…I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care about such childish trifles. 😉 My favorite leaked picture is the one of Elrond in his battle armor. It is by far the picture to rule them all.

Currently Reading
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card — Okay, I haven’t actually cracked it open yet, but I borrowed it from the library when I turned A Dance with Dragons (ADWD) in. Yes, I’m finally done with ADWD! It’s a door stopper of over 1,000 pages, but it was a thrilling read. It gets 4/5 Valyrian blades.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:

I don’t want October to end. I love Halloween. The weather isn’t freezing yet, and It’s the last month of the year before the holiday craze.

Video of the Week
The second I saw this one, I knew I had to share it! And yes, this is the most epic safety video ever. Some might even say it’s the safety video to rule them all.