Tag: lol

Careful With That Selfie!

The Command Deck has a special guest today!

Agent Jadelynn Jackson from the RIA (who is also the star of my upcoming story, Stars or Stripes) has a special message for you all.

Dear Self,
I must not take selfies with my empire-issue chit card. I must not take selfies with my empire-issue chit card….and et cetera.

In my defense, it’s not everyday you get to go into a classified area with relics from the past. By past, I don’t mean ten years ago. Nope. This was some Grade A, pre-Great War stuff.

I mean who could blame me? You have to have a Level 5 clearance just to get near the thing! The selfie would have been just an innocent file named something boring stored in my chit for a few hours until I got home to transfer it.

But nope. I had to mess up big time. My boss laughed the entire time he was reprimanding me. *sigh* So how did an innocent selfie blow up in  my face?

It’s easy.

An agent sent out a mass message, warning everyone about a potential twelp situation several miles away. That same agent sent me a private message because I was closest to the “fun.” Well…My thumb slipped, and when I was trying to swipe my selfie away, I hit “Reply All,” and my lovely mug was sent to the entire 10th Eastern Command.

Charming, I know.

I wonder how many times it got forwarded before Headquarters purged everyone’s chits…Ah, my smiling face and that devious little act of mine…Well, here’s to you, Level 4 security clearances and below. You got to see a rare artifact; you only had to put up with my face.

The lesson here is simple: don’t abuse your chit card privileges, and don’t hit the “Reply All” button. But really…why do they still keep it RIGHT next to the regular “Reply” button? Not that I was going to send my selfie to the agent in question or anything, but still! Why?


Stars or Stripes is coming soon to a Command Deck near you!
 Did we mention that it’s going to be free?

Just Between You and Me…

Uh oh, what’s this?

Original picture is from Babylon 5

We all have them, those little white lies…You know the ones. I suppose I’ll share something sneaky with you. Here is a selfish little truth of mine:

Click on the image to view the full size. 

So there you have it, a dirty little secret! Hey, I was looking out for myself when it came to exams. 😉

Do you have a sneaky confession of your own?