Tag: life

It’s Been A While

Hello everyone,

As most of you know, my father passed away in December. I want to thank everyone who has reached out to me or has offered kind words and support. It meant a lot to me. I don’t feel like writing about it right now. I’ve got many personal journal entries about everything. Needless to say, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

What I’ve been up to lately

Summer Holiday

I just got back from the beautiful Neutral Zone (Idaho/Wyoming), and it was a nice break from everything, especially the sauna-esque humidity we’ve been having lately. 90 degrees is a mild ball game compared to 90 degrees here.

Migrated Blog

As you’ve probably seen by the sprinkling of blank images here and there, I’ve moved my blog to godaddy. The previous host was agonizingly slow. It was almost unusable if you wanted to post anything, especially anything involving images. If you’re wondering why the last time I posted was last year, that was the main reason. So far so good here at godaddy! The new url from my blog is clubhighcastle.com…but you knew that because you’re here!

Silo Series

I recently watched Silo on Apple TV, and WOW. Just wow. Fantastic story telling, characters, and world building. I couldn’t wait two years to find out what happens next, so I put my Amazon digital credits to buy kindle versions of the trilogy. I just finished Shift (book 2). I highly recommend these books!

Don’t be daunted by the 500+ page count. It didn’t feel that long, and I ripped through Wool and Shift! I’m prolonging the adventure by taking a break before I start Dust. I don’t want the adventure to end just yet!

Flying. Lots and lots of flying

I flew so much in 2022, I obtained Silver status with Delta (I’m nearly qualifying for it for 2024!). I love everything about it to be honest. You don’t have to pay extra for ‘preferred seating’ in the main cabin, and if you get lucky or fly at unpopular times like I do, you’ll get free upgrades to Comfot + (business class) or First. It also gives you and anyone traveling with you free bags. I don’t want to lose it, so I need to figure out one last trip before the year ends. This has been something that has always been on my bucket list, and I am so happy I finally got it!


30 Miles to Awesomeville

Okay, so you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been about as active as a derelict starship stuck in the neutral zone as far as blog posts go.

Yep. I moved. We are out of that tiny, one bedroom apartment and finally in our forever home. Mushy-feel-good stuff aside, It feels awesome to own our own place. You can imagine how that guzzled up my spare time, but it was worth it.

My commute to work is much longer, but I see it as an unexpected glass that is half full. It is the perfect time to edit my stories. For whatever reason, riding the highway express bus puts me in the right mindset for it. Those of you who write know what a chore editing can be and how hard it is to force yourself to do it after you get home from work. I mean, there are so many other things to do…like play games, surf the Internet, do some actual writing, read a book…

Image courtesy of Wikipedia. You can find it here.

What I’m saying is that it can feel like you’ve been put in charge of organizing a room full of tribbles by color, size, and purr pitch after they’ve had an endless night of *ahem* reproducing. You walk in with your trusty tablet and find yourself drowning in the cute little suckers.

I’ve been working on this thing since July. What you are looking at is the FINAL edit. Yes, this is a short sequel to The Year is Now. Elly is back and runs headfirst into a threat she’s never encountered before. How much more heartache can one woman take? She’s run for her life once before, but this time it won’t be enough.

State of the Empire 2016

What your Writer and Chief has been up to lately

State of the Empire 2016!
Real life has claimed more and more of my awesome propaganda machine—it’s eaten way more than it’s fair share of my time lately. I’m hoping that it will settle back to normal levels in the next few months. I swear, it’s hungrier than Tubbs right now!

Figure 1: Real Life Has a Colossal Case of the Munchies
Figure 1 is 100% accurate.

Beneath the Red Lamp

…My current baby. Actually, it’s been my baby for about six months now. I’m revising what is finally going to be the final draft of a short story sequel to The Year is Now. Elly is back!

The story will be included in a special hard cover edition of the book. I do not have a release date yet. Once things settle down, I’ll be able to pinpoint a timeline. I’ve already got a special cover in the works. I’ve been planning the project itself for a long time now. It’s just…Tubbs. Tubbs the cat. Refer back to Figure 1. Tubbs doesn’t make me any less excited though! 
Here’s a peak at the random things I’ve been sketching lately:

Glory Pride and The Maiden Vain

I still have the outline. I haven’t forgotten about it!