Tag: klingon

Weekly Roundup: Klingon Squirrels and Forgotten Treasures

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This Week in Awesome

It doesn’t get more awesome than winning a Warrior Woman CD! I entered the G & T Show’s Martok Squirrel contest.

This just in: a police sketch of the elusive Martok Squirrel. Authorities report that he was last seen on Fallen Acorn 9 and is headed for HiddenNutia Prime.

It is reported that he is hoarding several crates of acorns. If you happen to see or have any information on General Martok Squirrel, please contact your nearest Federation security outpost!

The cover of the CD itself is badass. There is no other way to put it.

About the G & T Show:
“The G & T Show is an irreverent podcast dedicated to quality storytelling, interesting characters, and the latest news emerging in and around the Star Trek Universe. However, we are so much more than just another Star Trek podcast. We discuss films, television shows, books, comics, games, fan productions, conventions, cosplay, and so much more. The G & T Show is the premiere podcast for the modern Geek “

Forgotten Treasures

You’d be amazed at the things you forgot you saved to a flash drive, the one that’s been shoved into the darkest corner of that drawer you never open….

I found a 32 page novella I wrote during my last year of college. I remembered it as soon as I saw the file name. I also remembered how much I slaved over that thing with revisions…so I read it. It is a polished story that is almost ready to go! I couldn’t believe my luck at finding this forgotten gem.

A preview of the cover (it may or may not change)
The Outlanders
I think I may have to change my game plan because I want to make sure that I complete the comic. The amount of time I spend per page on the thing is astronomical–no joke! You would not believe the hours creating a single scene takes. I just can’t keep up, and I feel bad!
I am much faster at drawing things by hand. As much as I adore digital art, it takes me a looooooooong time to finish a single picture. Comics have a variety of things going on in a single page. Spending five hours on one page is finishing it in record time for me (just to give you an idea). Why am I rambling on and on about this? I decided that I’m going to do a test run with black & white pencil/ink pages. 

End of Month: March!

Well, it’s a bit into April now…I’m late! Oh noes!

March began with an art trade. I must say that I am enjoying the art trades! The friend wrote me a fun, short story in return. I completed one illustration…I wish I would have done more, but I think I had burnt myself out in February on them. I need to find a happy medium that won’t burn me out, but still allows me to keep up a decent pace.

My goal for April is to complete two illustrations because one per month is just a snail crawl pace that I don’t want to repeat! If I finished only one per month, it would take nearly two years for me to complete the illustrations…No thanks!

Rudy – my friend’s character.

General Bester – one of my characters in the MMO, Star Trek Online. He is a joined trill who is about to kick some ass. Yes…I sort of modeled him after a certain Alfred Bester from Babylon 5!

Books read
I caved into the craze and bought The Hunger Games. It was only 6 bucks at Walmart, and my fellow literary snobs said it was a good read and nothing like Twilight. Much to my own shock, I loved the book, and, indeed, it is nothing like Twilight. I finished it a few days ago, so it doesn’t go towards the March book count. I plan to write a review and post my thoughts on my goodreads account.