Tag: january

Month in Review: January

I’ve added another link to my News section on the right side of the blog, 21! It explains the countdown at the bottom of my blog. I am very excited about the mysterious project. 😉

I updated the graphic for my medical bills. Only $400 to go, and I’m done with that fiasco. It just goes to show, that even if you have insurance, you still come out at the bottom of the barrel. Now…if I happened to win the lottery….One can dream, can’t she?

Here is what I’ve accomplished for the month of January:

Vorta Lovin’ – I participated in an art trade with another artist, and this is what she wanted. Don’t you just love it when you like the subject matter just as much as the other person? I had a blast with this piece.

I do not own, and nor did I create Star Trek

I, Me – This was featured in my last post

….and 1 super secret illustration

Books read
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath – an enjoyable read
The Iron Heel by Jack London – I give it a “meh;” however, given that it was written in 1908, it is worth a read if you can get through the first 100 pages.

Return to Tomorrow: January

It’s the end of the month; time to do a quick rundown of what I’ve been up to this month! Let’s see how my New Years Resolutions have been holding up. On that note, someone please remind me to do this at the end of every month! Hmm, maybe I should write myself a sticky note and pin it somewhere on my desk!

I’ve been working massive amounts of overtime for the past two weeks and will be working overtime for the two upcoming weeks. Hopefully I can keep up with my goals!

Let’s start this off with my resolutions:
Read at least 3 books (when I wrote these resolutions, I hadn’t read anything since June!)
Complete at least one art project per month

Projects completed:
Slytherin hat
Lisa Thompson
Knit scarf and hat — I did this as a gift for a one year old. I doubled up the yarn to make it extra warm (it was so soft!).

Books read:
The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester – I give it 5/5 stars!