Tag: illustrations

Month in Review: February

I was under the weather last Sunday, so I had neglected to post in my blog. Here is February in review!

I’m up to 5 illustrations now (I haven’t updated the graphic yet *slaps wrist*), and I finished a digital art piece. March is here, and I’m already working on another art trade with someone else.

Sasha – An RP character of mine I drew just for fun. I need a break from the illustrations sometimes.

Books Read
None this month…Shame on me!

I don’t want to burn dinner, so I’ll leave this post at that.

The Flowers are Blooming!

Spring is starting to show budding signs of life. Flowers started cropping up and are now blooming. It’s so much fun to come home to flowers everywhere. Some of them are in neat rows, while others are popping up like wild flowers. There are a few lone rangers out there, growing wherever they please.

Longer days are on their way, and I can’t wait! I feel much more energetic when the light lasts longer.

I’ve updated my countdown. It always takes a few days for updates in pictures on photobucket to show up, but the count should be at 3 now. I’m still trying to pin down a sure fire schedule for my illustrations so that I don’t get burnt out, don’t get lazy, and am able to continue doing unrelated art.

I’m learning a lot with these illustrations. Let’s just say that my respect for comic book artists has skyrocketed!

21 is the Game

I’ve added a countdown graphic at the bottom of my blog for a special project that I started in December. I’m excited about this and have been working on it ever since. However, I must keep the bulk of it a secret for undisclosed reasons. Oh, I’m being so vague, aren’t I? 😛

It involves 21 illustrations and a cover, and that is the one and only clue I’ll post for now! I’ll reveal more and more as I get closer to the magic number at the end of the countdown!

I’ve finished 1 illustration…only 20 to go!