Tag: holidays

News Flash: It’s a Cup

I promised myself I’d never post about anything controversial on here, but…It’s a cup.

I work hard to make sure I’ve got the necessities and plus a few extras. There are important things in life worthy of getting upset about, and then there are the petty annoyances like customers behaving badly and chilly rainy days deserving of a complaint here and there. I got home the other day to find the Internet in an uproar over the color of a cup. A CUP!

Is this what we’ve become? A nation who whines and loses it’s marbles over a cup?

For those who are wondering what the heck am I talking about, Starbucks recently released its special holiday cups. Instead of the regular festive designs, they opted for a minimalist approach.

Photo courtesy of Starbucks
Look at those evil cups. They’re up to no good in their plain red dye! The nerve of them. They are the battalion commanders in the War Against Christmas. The ironic thing is that Starbucks still sells its Christmas blend coffee beans as Christmas Blend. 
Elly, Jadelynn, and Major Pierson are all enjoying a hot beverage right now (well, Pierson is stuck on Pluto, so he doesn’t get to dip into the daring blue Yule cup the empire released for the holidays).  Elly and Jadelynn are staring at their bold blue cups. The only controversy there is the fact that they want more! 

Weekly Roundup – MMO Winter Fun and Games

~ A quick recap of things around Empire Earth over the past week.

This Week in…
I survived my second Black Friday. If anyone was wondering why Weekly Roundup was on hiatus last week, you have your answer. With everyone opening Thanksgiving night now, we only get a few hours of sleep before we have to be up and at it again. Free food and Monster drinks were a huge helper in that endeavor.

MMO Land
December can be such a fun month; you have awesome festive food, treats, lights, gifts, and dual pistols that shoot giant snowballs.

 Screenshot is from last year’s Star Trek Online winter event

I love hopping into my favorite MMOs and joining in their winter events. I snag as many of the freebies as I can. It is the only time I actually enjoy *le MMO grind.* Lord of the Rings Online tends to have amazing outfits. Star Trek Online has awesome snow blasting weapons. I remember the original Guild Wars had a tradition of giving away amazing hats and headpieces! I would camp the timed instances for each of my characters in order to get the much sought after holiday headgear.

Currently Reading
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien – This book is awesome. There is no other way to put it. I did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I am. I honestly expected something dull and long winded. It is anything but! The only reason I am not giving it 5 stars right now is because I haven’t finished it yet.

Matters of Opinion
My blunt, unabashed thoughts in 140 characters or less:
I want a month long vacation without any monetary consequences. I just want to take a month off from work and do whatever I want.

Video of the Week
It’s people like this guy who turn crummy situations into awesome things:

There will be no The Outlanders update this month. I apologize for this, but ‘Tis the holiday season, the most busy time of year. I really want that month >.>