Tag: grasshopper

2020 Grasshopper Awards

I decided to do something fun to celebrate the end of the year. Despite the train wreck that has been 2020, there were a few good things to come out of it, and so I wanted to host my own award show–blog post! 

I will add more categories in 2021. If there is a category you’d like to see, let me know! This is the first of hopefully many.

Welcome to the Inaugural Grasshopper Awards!

Best Discovery – Awarded to a show, blog, podcast, or other media that I came upon and enjoyed.

Best Book – Awarded to my favorite read of the year.

Best Vintage Find – Because of High Castle, I am a huge fan of things from the 40s and 50s. This award goes out to my favorite vintage find of the year.

Best Wardrobe Find – Awarded to a company or person that exceeded expectations, including being budget friendly.

Best Discovery

I am forever grateful to @Mr_Picard on Twitter for spreading the word about this one. The moment I saw that these two gents were dedicated to talking about WWII through film (they just wrapped up 1939!), I was hooked.  

Best Discovery of 2020 goes out to Dan and Simon from FOXHOLE COMPANION

Thank you for hours of entertainment! Here’s to 20201!

Best Book

There are a lot of angles to consider for this category. Books are highly subjective, and I didn’t read as much as I do in normal years. I am an avid fan of picking up books at airports. You find some gems hidden among the key chains, snacks, and toiletries. I picked up one airport book days before this started, yes, days. I have yet to crack that one open. Shame on me, I know. Here’s to reading it in 2021!

I decided to give this award to the book I’ve read multiple times this year (I mean, that in itself tells you how much I liked it!). It is not an airport gem, but one I pre-ordered two days before its release in the spur of the moment. I am glad I gave in to my rashness, for the winner of Best Book is The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes by Suzanne Collins

Thank you, Suzanne Collins! This book got me through this insane year. 

Best Vintage Find

I have a tiny collection of antiques I’ve acquired since being captivated by the best show ever made. I’ll give you one guess as to which show that is ;).

I discovered a new way to acquire beautiful things. I am decades late to the Ebay party, but here I am. Through it, I’ve snagged some amazing props from High Castle that I will forever cherish. If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you know all about Club High Castle.

The winner of Best Vintage Find technically isn’t vintage, but I’m counting it regardless. Props count. And choosing a winner was difficult, but in the end, I chose The Man In the High Castle: SDCC promo Premiere Ticket.

I got it for a great price (I could not pass it up), and I continue to be captivated by it. It really makes one feel like they are about to enter another world. I love the creative lengths the promo team went to make it look vintage. 

Best Wardrobe Find

This goes out to a talented shop on Esty. They make custom vintage style dresses in a multitude of colors and styles. I ordered one this year, and they found the exact color I wanted, not to mention that their pricing is great for the quality, custom fitted dress you get in return!

Best Wardrobe Find goes to heartmycloset!

Pictures don’t do it justice

That’s a wrap! Thank you for joining me! Remember, If you want to see a new category for next year, please let me know!

Fan Castle Sundays: A TMITHC Fan Celebration

With November just over the horizon, Season 4 is inching closer and closer, which means that the end of the show will be here before we know it. I’ve met many wonderful people through TMITHC, fans just as dedicated as I am. I’ve made friends, I’ve laughed, and I’ve lamented over characters. I’ve even swapped things in the mail with friends across the pond!

Truth be told, I don’t know what I’m going to do after Season 4. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: TMITHC has been a huge part of my life for the past couple of years.

I look back at all mky Rufus Sewell drawings (ha, ha!), peg dolls, fake props, and Club High Castle and wonder what the hell am I going to do once it’s over?

The thing is, fandoms last forever. TMITHC will never fade so long as we keep it alive. I’m going to Keep watching, keep creating, and keep making friends, which is why I’m going to put some of the fans in the spotlight!

Join me this Sunday for the first ever #FanCastleSunday, a series of fan interviews! It’s a day to share your fanart, gifs, photo manips, memes, and more!

While we’re at it, can we bring back #ManCastleMondays?

Lee Shorten, High Castles Sgt. Yoshida

The Prathra Project Files: A High Castle Fan Tale

Don’t forget to read the disclaimer at the end!

The year was 1962, Kennedy was president, and the Cubin Missile Crisis was just around the corner. Deep within the darkest corner of the CIA’s science and technology division, The Prathra Project was in full swing.

Deputy Director Klemm was about to cut the project from the budget and end it entirely when he saw something that rocked him to the very core.

Enter File 02365

On the frigid morning of 3 February, 1962, Klemm received an emergency call regarding the Prathra Project.

He felt a sense of annoyance as he headed down the stairwell that would take him into the basement level of redacted. He had always kept a wary eye on wild, conspiracy-theory ridden experiments like this one.

So long as the higher ups insisted on studying ridiculous notions like telepathy, alternate dimensions, and alien life, Klemm had no choice but to keep the projects running—unless, of course, there was a sudden need to reallocate funds elsewhere.

He walked along the narrow hallway, his dress shoes echoing off the hard floor like raindrops on a tin roof. Klemm stopped at the last door on the left, punched in the code, and opened the door.

The hum of electrical equipment warmed the room. A scientist in a white lab coat ushered him through another door, hardly giving him a chance to inspect the instruments and calculations scrawled on the blackboard to his left.

The next chamber felt Spartan and oddly so, for the only piece of furniture there was a metal chair. A man sat in it, pressing an ice bag against the left side of his face. A silver necklace swayed in his other hand.

“It’s real,” the man rasped. “There are other worlds.” Klemm held his breath and waited for the crazy half-witted explanation. Was this really worth skipping breakfast for?

“I saw it. I know I recognized him. He served with me in Korea. I’d know John’s face anywhere.” The man lowered the ice pack and stared into Klemm’s eyes. The necklace slipped from his pale fingertips, landing to the barren floor with a soft clink. “You-you were there too.”

“Is he on anything?” Klemm sighed, shooting the scientist a scowl.

“No sir. We-we have proof.” His lab coat whipped behind him as he scurried out of the room. Klemm folded his arms across his chest.

“I’ve been there three times,” the man in the chair whispered. A grotesque bruise along his jaw glared at him through the dim lighting of the room. “This is the first time I saw him…and you.” He shuddered and placed the ice against his face again.

Klemm began to pace. “And who am I in this other world of yours?”

“You’re-we lost the war.”

“It was a stalemate.”

“No. Not that war.” He shook his head. “World War Two. We lost.” Klemm drew a deep breath and continued pacing.

“John is alive in it. He’s an Obergruppenführer of the SS.”

“That’s not what I asked you,” Klemm muttered. Not that it mattered. There were dozens of pulp magazines with trashy Nazi stories out there right now. It was the latest fad. As far as he was concerned, this guy had been injected with something and was suffering from delusions.

“You are an SS Major.”

Klemm snorted.

“We have photos of Smith,” the scientist appeared in the doorway, holding a film canister in one hand and an SS officer’s cap in the other. “But most importantly, we’ve managed to film it.”

Chills dripped down Klemm’s spine. They wouldn’t lie about evidence like that, and it didn’t get much more Damning than a film.

“I want everything there is to know about this John Smith.” He strode across the room and took the canister from the man’s outstretched hand. “I want fingerprints.”

** I am not affiliated with Amazon nor the CIA. I am just a fan, and this is a work of fiction. I hope you enjoyed it! Please read the disclaimer below! ** 

Take a peak at the closeups of Klemm’s memorandum and John’s file! Click on them to view full size.

Project Grasshopper

I’ve been tweeting about it and posting photos, but since you can only convey so much through 140 characters, here’s a look at my The Man in the High Castle fan project!

I got the idea from the awesome resistance radio packages the official marketing team (I’m guessing it was that department) sent out to people on Twitter (oh, and trust me, you would all know if I got one. The world would not be able to contain my screeches of delight!). I figured that the odds are stacked against one tiny person, so I decided to create my own little High Castle haven.

Project Grasshopper!
I ordered (and assembled) a retro shelf and am going to decorate it with themes from the show. This is going to be one of those on-going, I-will-add-to-it-piece-by-piece (aka, when my paychecks allow and as I find the perfect relics) projects.

The first pieces I ordered:

The beautiful shelf I ordered just for this project:

This is where I initially planned to put it, but I’m not so sure now because the lighting in that area isn’t the best for photographs:

If anyone has any tips for lighting up an area like this and making it look natural, I am all ears!