Browse around and check out samples of my art! It normally takes me 2 hours for a portrait (3 if it involves a detailed background). Digital drawings take a little longer depending on the level of detail (3 to 4 hours).
These drawings are not for sale!
Updated: 19 November 2011

“The Question”
Digital from a pencil sketch || 3 hours
Inspired by the television series, Babylon 5

“End Game”
Digital from a pencil sketch || 3.5 hours
Inspired by the television series, Babylon 5

“Dream the stars”
Watercolor || 3 hours

“Back to 2001”
2 hours || Digital

“Tensor, said the Tensor.”
Digital || 4 hours
Inspired by the television series, Babylon 5 and the novel, “The Demolished Man” by Alfred Bester

“Yet Another Bester”
9 in x 12 in || 3 hours || pencil
Inspired by the television series, Babylon 5

“Merry Cthulhumas”
9 in x 12 in || 6 hours || ink, digital
Inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft

“Dance With Me”
9 in x 12 in || 4 hours || ink, color pencil

“An Innsmouth Wonder”
9 in x 12 in || 2.5 hours || pencil
Inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft

“Do You Have the Time?”
9 in x 12 in || 3 hours || pencil
Click to see the digital version!
“The Muse”
9 in x 12 in || 3 hours || digital

“Herbert West”
9 in x 12 in || 5 hours || digital sketch, digital
Inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft

“Esther Johnson”
6 in x 8 in || 3 hours || digital
* The left pane is the actual size to show a bit more detail.
Inspired by the television series, Babylon 5

“Herbert West — Reanimator”
9 in x 12 in || 6 hours || pencil drawing, digital
Inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft