Tag: foxhole companion

2020 Grasshopper Awards

I decided to do something fun to celebrate the end of the year. Despite the train wreck that has been 2020, there were a few good things to come out of it, and so I wanted to host my own award show–blog post! 

I will add more categories in 2021. If there is a category you’d like to see, let me know! This is the first of hopefully many.

Welcome to the Inaugural Grasshopper Awards!

Best Discovery – Awarded to a show, blog, podcast, or other media that I came upon and enjoyed.

Best Book – Awarded to my favorite read of the year.

Best Vintage Find – Because of High Castle, I am a huge fan of things from the 40s and 50s. This award goes out to my favorite vintage find of the year.

Best Wardrobe Find – Awarded to a company or person that exceeded expectations, including being budget friendly.

Best Discovery

I am forever grateful to @Mr_Picard on Twitter for spreading the word about this one. The moment I saw that these two gents were dedicated to talking about WWII through film (they just wrapped up 1939!), I was hooked.  

Best Discovery of 2020 goes out to Dan and Simon from FOXHOLE COMPANION

Thank you for hours of entertainment! Here’s to 20201!

Best Book

There are a lot of angles to consider for this category. Books are highly subjective, and I didn’t read as much as I do in normal years. I am an avid fan of picking up books at airports. You find some gems hidden among the key chains, snacks, and toiletries. I picked up one airport book days before this started, yes, days. I have yet to crack that one open. Shame on me, I know. Here’s to reading it in 2021!

I decided to give this award to the book I’ve read multiple times this year (I mean, that in itself tells you how much I liked it!). It is not an airport gem, but one I pre-ordered two days before its release in the spur of the moment. I am glad I gave in to my rashness, for the winner of Best Book is The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes by Suzanne Collins

Thank you, Suzanne Collins! This book got me through this insane year. 

Best Vintage Find

I have a tiny collection of antiques I’ve acquired since being captivated by the best show ever made. I’ll give you one guess as to which show that is ;).

I discovered a new way to acquire beautiful things. I am decades late to the Ebay party, but here I am. Through it, I’ve snagged some amazing props from High Castle that I will forever cherish. If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you know all about Club High Castle.

The winner of Best Vintage Find technically isn’t vintage, but I’m counting it regardless. Props count. And choosing a winner was difficult, but in the end, I chose The Man In the High Castle: SDCC promo Premiere Ticket.

I got it for a great price (I could not pass it up), and I continue to be captivated by it. It really makes one feel like they are about to enter another world. I love the creative lengths the promo team went to make it look vintage. 

Best Wardrobe Find

This goes out to a talented shop on Esty. They make custom vintage style dresses in a multitude of colors and styles. I ordered one this year, and they found the exact color I wanted, not to mention that their pricing is great for the quality, custom fitted dress you get in return!

Best Wardrobe Find goes to heartmycloset!

Pictures don’t do it justice

That’s a wrap! Thank you for joining me! Remember, If you want to see a new category for next year, please let me know!

SGS: Awesome Supporting Characters

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at geeking-by.net!

This week was so much fun (don’t I say that about every week?). There is a lot of High Castle in this one! 

2nd August – Supporting Roles

Up until now we’ve talked about all sorts of characters and this week we’re giving some love to the supporting roles in fandoms, the minor characters, the NPCs and the sidekicks. The smaller parts that are necessary for the whole thing to work.

Who is your favourite sidekick?

This is a tough one. As I close my eyes and make a mental note of all my favorite superheroes, I find that most of the time, their sidekicks are regulated to annoying catch phrases or stupidity. After much thought (and sifting through a bunch irritating characters), I remembered The Witcher!

Jaskier, the traveling bard who follows Geralt around. He is hilarious without annoying me (trust me when I say, that in itself, is no small feat!). And need I say more:

Who is your favourite minor character or NPC (non-played character)?
  • Erich Raeder from The Man in the High Castle.
  • Rue from the Hunger Games
  • Alfred Bester from Babylon 5
  • Weyoun from Star Trek: DS9
  • Yoshida from The Man in the High Castle

Why I find Erich Raeder so interesting

He was loyal to Smith without question. He was one of the few people that Smith actually cared about, which shows how important he was. He risked his life (while suffering from multiple gunshot wounds) to give Smith his gun, which ended up saving Smith’s life. 

I’ll never forget the scene when Smith says in his low, husky voice, “There’s something I need you to do for me” in Season 2. He was entrusted to plan and stage Thomas Smith’s kidnapping so that Smith’s son could live out the rest of his life somewhere else. 

Raeder and Smith just before they are ambushed in Season 2

I was CRUSHED when he died in Season 3. I wanted to see more of his backstory. How did he grow to be so loyal to Smith? 

Which minor character do you wish had more ‘screen’ time?

Every character I listed in the previous question, but I’ll name another one that I’d like to have seen more of.

Major Klemm from The Man in the High Castle

He was Erich’s temporary replacement in Season 1 while Erich was in the hospital. I wanted to see more of him. I was hoping we’d get to see him in Season 3 spying on Rockwell under Smith’s bidding (or assassinating him in NYC in a suspenseful side plot…This sounds like a good idea for a fan fic!).

Smith (left) and Klemm (right) after the ambush in Season 2
What is your favourite scene with a minor character?

The scene in High Castle Season 4 when Chief Inspector Kido had a beer with his son while watching a baseball game. It was great to see that side of the stoic Kido, but the focus here is minor characters, so I’ll talk about his son. The poor man was obviously suffering from a mixture PTSD and guilt. I truly loved that bonding moment with his father. 

Kido with his son enjoying a beer and ball game.
What has been your favourite cameo role?

It will always be the time when Tom Hiddleston appeared as Loki at SDCC 2013.


Loki surprising the crowd with an appearance at SDCC 2013
If you could have someone play a cameo role in anything what would it be?

Rufus Sewell being a guest on FOXHOLE COMPANION@FOXHOLECOMPANI1 He is a riot and would fit right in!

Daniel Stewart and Simon Rance
The podcast that brings you the chronological history of WWII through the medium of film!