Tag: fall

You Discover a New Star: it Needs a Name.

The nights grow longer as November rears its sleepy head.

Both star studded images used in this graphic are amazing photographs by hubble/Nasa

Let’s say you own a telescope, and one chilly November evening, you are gazing at the night sky. As you shift to adjust your hoodie, you accidentally bump your telescope. It swings slightly downward. Shrugging, you lean forward and peer through it only to discover a celestial wonder previously unknown to humanity.
Heart pounding with excitement, you document and record your findings. You can’t feel Fall’s nippy grip anymore because your blood is pumping with the thrill of this discovery. Your hoodie suddenly feels stuffy, but you don’t care. You found a new star!
What kind of star is it? Is it a sun to another solar system? Could Vulcan lay just beyond its white glare? 
What are you going to name it? Why?
How old do you think it is? Was it with the universe at the very beginning of it all?
What does it look like?
My imaginary star is going to be named Mishiarendil–I won’t be the first person to name something after herself! I am a huge sucker for The Silmarillion and all things Tolkien, so I had to pay homage the elves’ most beloved star, Earendil! 

I want to know what you would name your star! 
Post your star’s name on Facebook or Twitter

I made a blank New Star Fun sheet for those who want to go into more detail!
Click the image to view full size.

Get Your Hoodies Out!

Day 24 of my Post A Day challenge. Looks like I missed yesterday…Whoops! I was tired and cranky. I’ve noticed a trend when I’m exhausted and groggy: I don’t post. Each of the three days I missed were like that!

I had to go back to the prompt for today.
Day 24: post the weather.

I can’t find a picture that fits the current weather, so here’s a cat!
He was the neighborhood cat who hung out with us in GA. 

The temperatures are cooling down. I’ve been wearing a hoodie on the way to work and keeping it on for the first half hour. Sometimes I have to wear it when I get off, and sometimes I don’t! The leaves aren’t finished turning colors yet, but the trees are starting to be sprinkled in a few oranges, reds, and browns.

It is most certainly Pumpkin Spice Latte season. Call me cliche, but I love that damn drink. They even have a decaf version! I tend to be up all night if I drink anything with caffeine in it after 12:00 pm.

I am currently lounging in my favorite hoodie (my black 49ers one) and my PJs.

~ Cheers! c[_]