Tag: end of month

End of Month: March!

Well, it’s a bit into April now…I’m late! Oh noes!

March began with an art trade. I must say that I am enjoying the art trades! The friend wrote me a fun, short story in return. I completed one illustration…I wish I would have done more, but I think I had burnt myself out in February on them. I need to find a happy medium that won’t burn me out, but still allows me to keep up a decent pace.

My goal for April is to complete two illustrations because one per month is just a snail crawl pace that I don’t want to repeat! If I finished only one per month, it would take nearly two years for me to complete the illustrations…No thanks!

Rudy – my friend’s character.

General Bester – one of my characters in the MMO, Star Trek Online. He is a joined trill who is about to kick some ass. Yes…I sort of modeled him after a certain Alfred Bester from Babylon 5!

Books read
I caved into the craze and bought The Hunger Games. It was only 6 bucks at Walmart, and my fellow literary snobs said it was a good read and nothing like Twilight. Much to my own shock, I loved the book, and, indeed, it is nothing like Twilight. I finished it a few days ago, so it doesn’t go towards the March book count. I plan to write a review and post my thoughts on my goodreads account.

Month in Review: February

I was under the weather last Sunday, so I had neglected to post in my blog. Here is February in review!

I’m up to 5 illustrations now (I haven’t updated the graphic yet *slaps wrist*), and I finished a digital art piece. March is here, and I’m already working on another art trade with someone else.

Sasha – An RP character of mine I drew just for fun. I need a break from the illustrations sometimes.

Books Read
None this month…Shame on me!

I don’t want to burn dinner, so I’ll leave this post at that.

Return to Tomorrow: January

It’s the end of the month; time to do a quick rundown of what I’ve been up to this month! Let’s see how my New Years Resolutions have been holding up. On that note, someone please remind me to do this at the end of every month! Hmm, maybe I should write myself a sticky note and pin it somewhere on my desk!

I’ve been working massive amounts of overtime for the past two weeks and will be working overtime for the two upcoming weeks. Hopefully I can keep up with my goals!

Let’s start this off with my resolutions:
Read at least 3 books (when I wrote these resolutions, I hadn’t read anything since June!)
Complete at least one art project per month

Projects completed:
Slytherin hat
Lisa Thompson
Knit scarf and hat — I did this as a gift for a one year old. I doubled up the yarn to make it extra warm (it was so soft!).

Books read:
The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester – I give it 5/5 stars!