Tag: editing

July Update

I finished the first wave of revisions! I will get through this, gosh darn it. Now it’s time to go back and look at the story as a whole. There were some things I missed in the beginning—The early chapters had everyone sporting their universe’s version of the iPhone 6.

The year is 2002, and that is a big nope! They should be struggling with flip phones. I mean, back in the day, if you wanted to text an s, you had to hit that button four times!

I’m hoping that my zeal for editing the early chapters over and over again when I started the project will make this a lot easier. And no, I couldn’t hold onto that editing obsession as the story progressed. It was a great idea, but I grew too impatient and just wanted to write.

As I’ve stated before, when it comes to editing, I have the attention span of a gnat…even that is being too generous because there is my eternal battle with insomnia. If I didn’t get any sleep the night before, you can forget it. I have way too many instances of insomnia to revise as quickly as I’d like to (especially between work and my other duties). Insomnia sucks, and I wouldn’t wish this constant battle on anyone!

Here’s to the second round of editing and revisions!

Work Zone: All Systems Ignite!

T-Minus 3 Days and counting!

My website will launch and take off into the Interwebs on the first day of my favorite month of the year, October! 

I’ve added a countdown to this blog because I’m excited! You should be too!

I’ll be doing a giveaway to celebrate the release of The Emperor’s Archives (formerly known as Beneath the Red Lamp and Other Tales). Don’t tell the emperor, but one of the prizes is an Amazon gift card.

All systems are running on high octane as I complete the final stage of getting The Emperor’s Archives ready. I’m on the dreaded copy editing phase.

I won’t have a release date until I finish copy editing. This is because I don’t like giving out solid dates when I’m still in the process of doing something huge.

As soon as I finish this monster task, I will announce a date and open the giveaway!


This one goes out to all the writers!

One of the “joys” of writing is going back to that first draft for an edit, getting a great pace going, and suddenly stumbling upon an “innocent” little note you left yourself.

I mean, you’re busy writing and blazing through that first draft. An idea pops into your head,  you’re stuck on a scene, or you can’t figure out how to get to the next one, so you drop a note you’ll hate yourself for and move on.

I dug out the first draft of The Year is Now (TYIN) and pulled a few from the story I’m editing now (SEN) just for laughs and facepalms. I’ve added some commentary for humor 😉

[ needs moar glue ]
I didn’t want to write the scene when I was writing, and I don’t feel like writing it now. Thanks, Self.

[ skipping because I need to rewrite this chapter. Insert rest of the battle here! ]
From TYIN. I’m pretty sure I hated myself when I got to that gem. Writing battles requires a lot of research. Yeah. I am certain I was overjoyed at myself, ha!

Dryden and Misch bla bla waiting they enter.
From SEN. I have no idea. I haven’t reached that part yet, and I won’t be happy when I do. What even. How do I sentence?

people screamed and scattered like X.
 [ the quote from the first emperor ].
From both. #Lazy #ZeroFsToGive

From SEN. Yes, I hated myself, like that smiley face is going to make it better. IT’S OKAY SELF, I GAVE YOU A SMILEY FACE!

So Edits, Many Drafts, Such Work

Get your red pens out. It’s time to edit!
Part Three of my series on the creative process
Missed the previous posts? Here they are: Intro | Part One | Part Two

This is the most time consuming stage of the creative process. This is when you’ll grab your grammar police badge and mark up your first draft with a red pen. Be ruthless to yourself. This is when you’ll step back from your drawing and fix any stray shadows or messy lines you missed. For graphic design, this is when you’ll make sure your image’s attributes are correct (aspect ratio, for instance). Is something stretched too far? Is it squished too thin? Is everything spelled correctly?

Once you get that next draft going, it is time to consider getting a second pair of eyes. Word to the wise, keep your battered rag-doll of a first draft buried within the confines of your hard drive. I learned this the hard way. A first draft is something that only a mother can love.

Why hide it from the world? There are more flaws in a first draft than there are in a second or third. The human eye has a knack for narrowing in on mistakes and things that are out of order, especially if they are obvious. The more noticeable the flaws, the less likely you’re going to get helpful feedback.

Everyone will point out that you misspelled that one word in the title. They will flock to the banner in your graphic that is stretched just a tad too much. That eye you forgot to color in? That’s what they’ll see.

How fast did you spot the error I put in there? 

…Or something worse will happen. You’ll get ripped apart. You were so proud of your initial creation, that you skipped the three Ps of making something awesome. I completely relate to this temptation and have made this mistake myself. You’ll learn all about that in my next post.

The most difficult part of editing, revising, and perfecting something is the attention span needed for such an undertaking. Trust me when I say that staying focused is the hardest part of this stage. Here are a few personal things I do to help keep myself on track:

1. Fix myself a non alcoholic drink that isn’t water (water’s great and all, but it’s boring. I find drinking a glass of juice helps).

2. Listen to classical music. Oddly enough, this one works. If you can’t stand the idea of classical music, there are a number of heavy metal bands who’ve done concerts and special albums with symphonies
       Metallica – S & M
       Trans-Siberian Orchestra

3. Reward yourself with something after you’ve reached a certain point. Working for a reward is always a motivator for me!